Soft Eyes (The Wire episode)
"Soft Eyes" is the second episode of the fourth season of the HBO original series The Wire
. Written by David Mills from a story by Ed Burns
& David Mills, and directed by Christine Moore
, it originally aired on September 17, 2006.
" that expression is used again and explained by Bunk Moreland
. In terms of the title, the meaning of soft eyes means the ability to look deeper than what you first see.
and Dominic West
do not appear in this episode. This is the first episode of the series not to feature West.
is not credited with the teleplay or story, as he collaborated on the stories for all the previous episodes and is credited with the "story by" credit. There are only nine episodes (out of 60) in the entire series in which he does not receive a writing credit, all of which are in the fourth season. Ed Burns
receives story credit on all Season Four episodes, as the writing drew extensively on his experience as a teacher.
from his secretary. Herc shuts the door quickly but not before Royce notices him.
Herc approaches his old partner sergeant Ellis Carver
for advice about the situation. Carver tells Herc the problem is beyond his pay-grade and suggests they take it to someone with more experience of politics. Carver suggests Herc meet his old commander, Southeastern District Major Stan Valchek.
Deputy campaign manager Norman Wilson waits for his candidate Tommy Carcetti
in his kitchen. Carcetti's wife Jen recommends that Wilson hurry him along. Wilson finds him playing Battleship with his daughter. Carcetti refuses to leave until he finishes the game - he tells Wilson that the election is already lost.
Carcetti meets with police officers at the FOP lodge. They admit that they are reluctant to endorse his campaign with Royce leading in the polls. Carcetti is understanding but asks that they hold back in their active support of Royce, and they agree to this. As they leave Major Valchek
reassures Carcetti that he has achieved the best outcome possible under the circumstances. Wilson urges Carcetti to prepare for the debate, saying that nothing matters more, but Carcetti tells him nothing matters at all now.
Valchek meets with Herc at the Fells Point docks. Valchek reassures Herc that the incident will act in his favor as long as Herc keeps quiet about it. Valchek says that Herc has already earned his sergeant's post and will become a lieutenant in two years and a major in four following a Royce victory. Herc worries that Royce will send him to the midnight shift as punishment and Valchek states that it would be acceptable to use his knowledge to retaliate against Royce if he was sent to the hated shift. Herc thanks Valchek for his time and advice and Valchek suggests that Herc might one day be able to return the favor. Valchek, realizing the advantageous situation Herc is in, laughs stating "What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes right now, kid, careers have been launched on a helluva lot less. Just shut up and play dumb." Meanwhile Royce is considering moving Herc out of his security detail and checks with his chief of staff Coleman Parker to see if Herc has friends high up in the department.
and his mother De'Londa visit his father Wee-Bey
at the prison. Wee-Bey reassures them that he is doing well and checks that they are still receiving money from Brianna Barksdale. Wee-Bey asks after his fish; De'Londa is impatient with Wee-Bey's hobby but Namond has dutifully been caring for the fish. Wee-Bey notices that his son has his first facial hair and jokes with him about it. Wee-Bey asks how Namond's work with drug dealer Bodie Broadus
is progressing and De'Londa tells him that Namond has not been applying himself and threatens to withhold money for his school things until he does so. Wee-Bey repeats Bodie's warning that Namond's pony tail makes him easy to spot for the police.
Back in the neighborhood Stanfield drug dealing lieutenant "Monk" Metcalf is giving away money to neighborhood children to further his boss's reputation. Marlo Stanfield
and his bodyguard Chris Partlow
watch from their nearby vehicle.
Michael Lee
and Namond approach Bodie to ask if Michael can have a job to earn money for school clothes and equipment for him and his younger brother. Bodie refuses to employ them both and Namond suggests that Michael could take his job until he has the funds he needs. Bodie waves them away as he notices Sergeant Carver pulling up. Carver is accompanied by homicide detective Bunk Moreland and they are looking for Bodie's recently murdered second-in-command Curtis "Lex" Anderson. Bodie promises to call them if he sees Lex, knowing that he is probably dead. Bunk says nothing but manages to intimidate Bodie with a look.
Namond and Michael find their friends on a stoop and begin to talk about returning to school. They joke about the girls that they will chase and Michael and Namond get into a play fight. Monk arrives and continues to hand out money. Randy Wagstaff
is impressed by the gesture. Michael refuses to accept the money and walks away. Marlo approaches Michael to ask why he turned down the money. Michael initially does not make eye contact with Marlo, but after Marlo insults him, Michael silently stares him down. Impressed, Marlo smiles with approval, looks back at Chris, and then lets Michael go. Later Michael, Namond and Randy discuss their good fortune. Namond claims that he needs the money despite his family being rich because his mother has threatened to withhold money for his school clothes. Their friend Donut pulls up in a stolen SUV. Namond gets into the car and they joke about what to steal next. Carver notices the car and the young kids and calls it in when they flee from him. Carver decides not to chase the kids because he knows most of them anyway. Randy is caught by Officer Walker, who searches him for drugs and finds the $200.00 school clothes money, taking it from Randy on suspicion of drug dealing. He refuses to accept Randy's story that his foster mother gave him the money, pocketing it and telling Randy that if his foster mother comes to the district they can have it back.
Randy talks to his friends about Walker's actions and learns that he is known as one of many corrupt Western district officers. Donut continues to talk about what vehicle he would like to steal next and Duquan "Dukie" Weems warns him that he has already almost been caught once. Sergeant Carver arrives at the boys' hangout and gives them fair warning that if he sees any of them near a stolen car in the future he will deliver a beating in an alley rather than bringing them in. Namond is disbelieving and Carver uses Namond's name to prove that he knows who they are, where they hang and where they live. Donut praises Carver's car.
Namond returns home to find that his mother has laid out new clothes for him despite her threats. He goes downstairs and thanks her. When he returns he turns on the television to find councilman Gray talking about education. He quickly turns the mayoral debate off and begins playing a video game.
At the homicide unit Bunk discusses the interview with Lex's parents with his colleagues Ed Norris and Vernon Holley. A call comes in with a new case and Holley debates whether or not to answer, believing that if Norris takes the call, it will be a simple case, whereas if he answers the call the case will be impossible to solve. In the end Norris answers and the case appears to be a difficult drug shooting. Holley accompanies Norris to the scene of the shooting where they learn from the first officer on the scene, Aaron Castor, that the victim was alive when found but did not identify the shooter, instead telling Castor that he was shot by "a man with a gun".
Later, Norris learns that his victim was a witness in a drug case and is pleased that the case will be high profile and garner him overtime work. Holley cannot believe Norris' luck. He discusses the case with sergeant Jay Landsman
and is ordered to downplay the witness angle but take as much overtime as he needs to break the case. As soon as Norris leaves his office, Landsman phones Valchek to tell him about the dead witness.
prepares to serve the subpoenas on political figures from the Barksdale Organization
. Leander Sydnor
worries that the action could damage all of their careers and Assistant States Attorney Pearlman
shares this concern. Pearlman wishes that she had run the subpoenas by her superiors before letting them go ahead because of the upcoming elections. Freamon chastises her for considering breaking policy for politics. She tells him that the politics matter to her career for two reasons: if her boss, States Attorney Demper, is reelected but feels undermined by Pearlman, he will demote her to reviewing bail cases at the Central Booking holding facility; if the electoral opponent, an African American
named Rupert Bond wins, she is likely to lose her position as the head of Narcotics prosecutions due to her race. Freamon notices that Pearlman has held back two subpoenas - Senator Clay Davis
and Andy Krawczyk, planning to delay serving them until after the polls close. Freamon tells her that this is their only window for the investigation - at the moment the politicians have to worry about how their actions appear to the public: at any other time the unit would be shut down for pursuing this investigation.
Pearlman realizes that Freamon has played her by holding the investigation until now and that he lied when he said it was pushed back by fresh cases. Freamon pleads ignorance. Later Pearlman discusses her resentment of Freamon's duplicity in bed with Freamon's old commander Major Cedric Daniels
. Daniels points out that Freamon had a case and then manages to make Pearlman laugh about Freamon's tried and true manipulations. Daniels states that he is glad Freamon is manipulating someone other than him these days.
With the subpoenas ready, Freamon offers to serve them personally to protect Greggs and Sydnor, realizing that they have to remain in the department longer than he does given their shorter tenure. Greggs refuses the offer claiming "Fuck 'em where they live" and takes the subpoena for Krawczyk. Greggs is brash with Krawczyk and unafraid to give her name and unit. Despite his fears, Sydnor is unabashed when he serves the Davis subpoena. The senator is clearly distressed, going to Royce in an outraged manner about the subpoena. Davis tells Royce that there is a strong possibility of the receipt of dirty money (claiming that it's more likely for $40,000 in cash to be given to him in West Baltimore by African American
drug dealers than by Asian American
corner store owners who control the commercial business there) but that as Royce's deputy campaign manager responsible for the primary election's funding, it is an ungrateful move of the BPD (who Royce has control over) to accuse him of money laundering. Davis closes by telling Royce that his campaign will no longer receive any financial assistance from him unless Royce has the Baltimore Police back off. Krawcyzk calls next with a similar complaint; Royce regurgitates their anger in a more extreme manner to Commissioner Burrell
Burrell, fearing for his job, promises the mayor that there will be no more surprises from within the police department but informs Royce that he is unable to do anything about subpoenas that have already been issued. Burrell discusses the problem with Deputy Commissioner William Rawls
, asking who in the unit is the most likely instigator, with his first guess being the once problematic Jimmy McNulty
. Rawls tells Burrell, much to his own regret, that McNulty is not responsible for the subpoenas as he has been a western patrolman for over a year now, and that his best guess is Lester Freamon
. Rawls feels Freamon is the most likely instigator because of his investigative skills and interest in upsetting politicians. When Burrell asks how they should deal with Freamon, Rawls recommends "proper supervision" for the unit. Rawls feels that this is an effective method of handling the problem, as Freamon is running the unit in a relatively unsupervised manner and that forcing him out of the unit will only result in a bad headline for the department.
The wiretap on Monk's phone continues to prove fruitful for the unit. They have a record of the call received from Old Face Andre at the shooting practice session and are able to identify the nature of the call and Marlo's voice despite the background noise. Greggs and Freamon identify the sound of gunshots and wonder why Marlo is holding a target practice session when they have been unable to link his organization to any violence apart from that committed against them — Lex's murder of Fruit is the only Western drug-related homicide in months.
Later at the gym,Cutty continues to train one-time drug dealer Justin, who is preparing for an upcoming bout. The gym is packed with young men and a team of trainers and the equipment is much improved from when Cutty started out. A group of women wait in one corner as their sons work out. Cutty is approached by Sharon Jones, the mother of one of his students named Spider. She offers Cutty a dinner date and makes her availability abundantly clear; he tells her that he has little free time but asks if she could bring him dinner at the gym.
Cutty watches as Michael works a heavy bag and is very impressed with his natural ability. Another neighborhood mother, Gail, approaches Cutty with a peach cobbler. She has no sons but is impressed with Cutty regardless. Cutty pays far more attention to Michael.
Michael returns to the gym with Namond to work the heavy bag. Namond notices that Cutty is being flirted with by another mother. Justin interrupts Michael before his time is up and this sparks a fight. Cutty quickly breaks up the boys. Cutty allows Michael to finish his time and encourages him to accept training so that he can spar. One of Cutty's rules is that anyone can use the equipment but only boxers who are in training with one of his team can use the ring. Cutty offers to personally train Michael, but Michael declines.
and his young protégé Sherrod continue to make their living selling goods from a shopping cart. Sherrod struggles to add up the price of their wares and Bubbles criticizes him and tells him if he had the math skills he could be running his own cart. Later, Bubbles tries to hide his drug use from Sherrod who he thinks is asleep. Sherrod is actually awake and worrying about Bubbles' criticism - he tells Bubbles that he is willing to go back to school.
's "Ring of Fire
" in preparation for the new school year. He removes the gum from the underside of the tables. Later he meets with the other teachers to discuss maintaining consistent class rules. The rules are simple - insist the children double space their work so it is easier to read, use consistent headings on work and keep the windows closed to keep the class drowsy. Prez asks if they can try to prevent the classes chewing gum and the others recommend that he stick to simple rules that he can easily enforce.
Assistant principal Donnelly is being helped to prepare for the new term by one of her students, Crystal Judkins. She tasks Crystal with delivering a box of second hand school things to Dukie because she lives near him. Donnely shrewdly tells Crystal to give the clothes directly to Dukie and not any of the adults in his house. Bubbles and Sherrod arrive at the school offices, with Bubbles claiming to be the boy's uncle, to discuss possible enrollment for Sherrod. Donnelly asks them into her office, and Bubbles has a moment of recognition as he passes Prez.
Crystal faithfully delivers the package to Dukie's home. She is greeted by a disheveled man who tries to take the box from her, but she waits until Dukie comes downstairs for it.
As the debate progresses, Carcetti's team watches on television and is impressed with his answers. Carcetti delivers his carefully planned answer to Royce's assertion that crime is down in Baltimore. Cutty watches from bed with a woman but soon changes the channel to sports. The homicide unit listens as Carcetti delivers his trump card - the murdered witness. The detectives joke about Norris' case making headlines. State delegate Odell Watkins seems impressed with Carcetti's speech. The audience applauds Carcetti's answer as Burrell and Rawls worry about the backlash for them for their failure to tell the mayor about the witness murder. Royce's response is labored, defensive, awkward, and evasive; Carcetti's team is pleased while Royce's people seem worried.
the WIRE is the student-run College radio station at the University of Oklahoma, broadcasting in a freeform format. The WIRE serves the University of Oklahoma and surrounding communities, and is staffed by student DJs. The WIRE broadcasts at 1710 kHz AM in Norman, Oklahoma...
. Written by David Mills from a story by Ed Burns
Ed Burns
Ed Burns is a producer, screenwriter, and novelist. He has worked closely with writing partner David Simon. They have collaborated on The Corner and The Wire . Burns is a former Baltimore police detective for the Homicide and Narcotics divisions, and a public school teacher...
& David Mills, and directed by Christine Moore
Christine Moore
Christine Moore is an American television director. She has directed episodes of The Wire, Treme, CSI: NY, and other television series.-Biography:...
, it originally aired on September 17, 2006.
Simon has commented that the influx of child actors initially caused some problems on set and said that crew members feelings mirrored the turmoil of Prez in the episode because of the young actors' behavior. However, by the end of filming they became a good crew of young actors.Title reference
The title is a mysterious piece of advice that a colleague gives Prez about teaching. ("You need soft eyes"). In the later episode "RefugeesRefugees (The Wire episode)
"Refugees" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of the HBO original series The Wire. Written by Dennis Lehane from a story by Ed Burns & Dennis Lehane, and directed by Jim McKay, it originally aired on October 1, 2006.-Production:...
" that expression is used again and explained by Bunk Moreland
Bunk Moreland
William "Bunk" Moreland is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Wendell Pierce. Bunk's character is based on a retired Baltimore City Police Detective named Rick Requer and nicknamed "the Bunk", an officer who joined the force in 1964 as a Western District patrolman who...
. In terms of the title, the meaning of soft eyes means the ability to look deeper than what you first see.
Carcetti makes this statement when worrying about his chances in the upcoming election being hamstrung by his race.Starring cast
Although credited, Robert WisdomRobert Wisdom
Robert Wisdom is an American actor. He is a graduate of Columbia University.-Biography:Wisdom was born in Washington, D.C. to Jamaican parents. He appeared in four of the five seasons of HBO program The Wire as Howard "Bunny" Colvin...
and Dominic West
Dominic West
Dominic Gerard Fe West is an English actor best known for his role as Detective Jimmy McNulty in the HBO drama series The Wire.-Film and TV:...
do not appear in this episode. This is the first episode of the series not to feature West.
Guest stars
- Isiah Whitlock, Jr.Isiah Whitlock, Jr.Isiah Whitlock Jr. is an American actor.He is most famous for his role on the HBO television series, The Wire as corrupt state senator Clay Davis. He also is notable for appearing in Spike Lee films She Hate Me and 25th Hour as Agent Amos Flood...
as Senator Clayton "Clay" DavisClay DavisState Senator R. Clayton "Clay" Davis is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Isiah Whitlock, Jr. Davis is a corrupt Maryland State Senator with a reputation for pocketing bribes... - Jermaine CrawfordJermaine CrawfordJermaine Crawford is an actor best known for appearing on the HBO original series The Wire as Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is a cousin to fellow Wire castmember and actor Tristan Wilds....
as Duquan "Dukie" Weems - Maestro HarrellMaestro HarrellMaestro Harrell is an American actor who starred on the HBO original series The Wire as Randy Wagstaff. He was also on the NBC drama ER on April 26, 2007....
as Randy WagstaffRandy WagstaffRandy Wagstaff is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Maestro Harrell. Randy is an enterprising student who is dependent on social services. During season 4, he was an 8th grade pupil at Edward Tilghman Middle School and is friends with Namond Brice, Michael Lee and Duquan... - Julito McCullumJulito McCullumJulito McCullum is an American actor of Afro-Colombian descent best known for his role as Namond Brice on the HBO series The Wire. Currently lives in Staten Island....
as Namond BriceNamond BriceNamond Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Julito McCullum. Namond is the son of Wee-Bey Brice and De'Londa Brice and was a middle school pupil during season 4. He is friends with Michael Lee and Randy Wagstaff and often bullies Duquan "Dukie" Weems... - Tristan WildsTristan WildsTristan Paul Mack Wilds is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as Michael Lee on the HBO original drama series The Wire and as Dixon Wilson on the CW drama series 90210.-Life and career:...
as Michael LeeMichael Lee (The Wire)Michael Lee is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Tristan Wilds. He is a middle school pupil and is friends with Namond Brice, Randy Wagstaff and Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is more soft-spoken than his friends, and appears to have a leadership role among his peers... - Gbenga AkinnagbeGbenga AkinnagbeGbenga Akinnagbe is an American actor, best known for his role as Chris Partlow on the HBO original series The Wire.-Early life:...
as Chris PartlowChris PartlowChris Partlow is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Gbenga Akinnagbe. Partlow is Marlo Stanfield's best friend, bodyguard, and second-in-command in his drug dealing operation. Despite his quiet demeanor, Partlow commits more on- and off-screen murders than any other... - Hassan JohnsonHassan JohnsonHassan 'Iniko' Johnson is an American actor/producer from Staten Island, NY, born November 19, 1976. His most noted performance was appearing on the HBO program The Wire as Roland Wee-Bey Brice. His first acting role was in the 1995 Spike Lee film Clockers. He also had a significant role in the...
as Roland "Wee-Bey" BriceWee-Bey BriceRoland "Wee-Bey" Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Hassan Johnson. Wee-Bey was the Barksdale Organization's most trusted soldier before being sentenced to life imprisonment for multiple homicides.... - Ed NorrisEd NorrisEdward T. Norris is an American radio host and former law enforcement officer in Maryland. His talk show, the Ed Norris Show, airs on WJZ-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Norris, a 20-year veteran of the New York Police Department, served as police commissioner for Baltimore from 2000 to late 2002...
as Detective Ed Norris - Delaney WilliamsDelaney WilliamsDelaney Williams is an American actor from Washington, D.C. He appears on the HBO drama The Wire as a recurring guest star playing homicide sergeant Jay Landsman. He also had a small role on HBO's mini-series The Corner which brought him to the attention of the producers, who worked on The prior to...
as Sergeant Jay LandsmanJay Landsman (The Wire)Jay Landsman is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Delaney Williams.-Policing method:Landsman's role in the police department is that of a supervisory detective sergeant who doesn't participate in much investigation work... - Brian Anthony WilsonBrian Anthony WilsonBrian Anthony Wilson is an American film and television actor. He first appeared in the 1997 film The Postman as Woody....
as Detective Vernon Holley - Megan Anderson as Jen Carcetti
- Tootsie DuvallTootsie DuvallTootsie Duvall is an American film, theatre and television actress.-Career:...
as Assistant Principal Marcia Donnelly - Joilet F. Harris as Officer Caroline Massey
- Dravon James as Mrs. Grace Sampson
- Justin Burley as Justin
- Nathan Corbett as Donut
- Edward Green as Spider
- Rashad Orange as Sherrod
- Brandy BurreBrandy BurreBrandy Burre was born on September 27, 1974 in Sandusky, Ohio. She earned her Master's degree in acting at Ohio University, and has performed on the stage in addition to her work in film and television. She is best known for her portrayal of Theresa D'Agostino on the HBO series The Wire.-External...
as Theresa D'Agostino - Sheila Gaskins as Mrs. Anderson
- Johnett Kent as Sharon Jones
- Nikki Lusk as Unknown
- Stacie Williams as Gail
- Al Brown as Stanislaus ValchekStanislaus ValchekStanislaus "Stan" Valchek is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Al Brown.-Biography:Valchek is the Polish-American commander of the Southeastern district, home to many of the remaining white ethnic neighborhoods in Baltimore...
- Christopher Mann as Councilman Anthony Gray
- Cleo Reginald Pizana as Chief of Staff Coleman Parker
- Marc Steiner as Himself (Debate Moderator)
- Frederick Strother as State Delegate Odell Watkins
- Tamieka Chavis as Royce's Assistant
- Destiny Jackson-Evans as Crystal Judkins
- Sandi McCree as De'Londa Brice
- Kwame Patterson as "Monk" Metcalf
- Felicia PearsonFelicia PearsonFelicia Pearson is an American actress, author, and rapper. She is best known for playing a character of the same name, Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, on The Wire. She wrote a memoir titled Grace After Midnight.-Biography:Pearson was born to two incarcerated drug addicts and raised in an East Baltimore...
as Snoop - Jonnie Louis Brown as Officer Eddie Walker
- Eugene Little as Landscaping Crew Chief
- Alfonso Christian Lover as Old Face Andre
- Jason Parker as Officer Reggie Leddett
- Michael WillisMichael WillisMichael Willis, born October 4, 1949, is an American television and movie character actor. Willis' credits include movie roles in Pushing Tin and Men in Black, and several episodes of Law & Order....
as Andy Krawczyk
Uncredited appearances
- Diana Villamonte as Mrs Rachel Shapiro
- Demetria Bailey as Mrs Perlene Scott
- Karen Vicks as Gerry
- Peter DeFeoPeter DeFeoPeter DeFeo , also known as "Philie Aquilino", was a New York mobster who became a caporegime with the Genovese crime family.-Rise to power:...
as Election Official - Pamela Fischer as Campaign Supporter
- Patrick McDade as FOP president
- Richard Cutting as Lieutenant
- Chester West as Shift Lieutenant Dent
- Usman Sharif as drug dealer
- Unknown as Tote
- Dolly Turner as "Burnout" or Ms Hanson - older African American veteran teacher
This is the first episode of the series in which series creator David SimonDavid Simon
David Simon is an American author, journalist, and a writer/producer of television series. He worked for the Baltimore Sun City Desk for twelve years. He wrote Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets and co-wrote The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner-City Neighborhood with Ed Burns...
is not credited with the teleplay or story, as he collaborated on the stories for all the previous episodes and is credited with the "story by" credit. There are only nine episodes (out of 60) in the entire series in which he does not receive a writing credit, all of which are in the fourth season. Ed Burns
Ed Burns
Ed Burns is a producer, screenwriter, and novelist. He has worked closely with writing partner David Simon. They have collaborated on The Corner and The Wire . Burns is a former Baltimore police detective for the Homicide and Narcotics divisions, and a public school teacher...
receives story credit on all Season Four episodes, as the writing drew extensively on his experience as a teacher.
Security detail officer Thomas "Herc" Hauk waits for the mayor with his new partner outside city hall. Herc worries that Lieutenant Hoskins told him the mayor had a breakfast meeting and goes inside to look for his commander. Instead of finding the lieutenant, he stumbles across Mayor Royce receiving oral sexOral sex
Oral sex is sexual activity involving the stimulation of the genitalia of a sex partner by the use of the mouth, tongue, teeth or throat. Cunnilingus refers to oral sex performed on females while fellatio refer to oral sex performed on males. Anilingus refers to oral stimulation of a person's anus...
from his secretary. Herc shuts the door quickly but not before Royce notices him.
Herc approaches his old partner sergeant Ellis Carver
Ellis Carver
Ellis Carver is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Seth Gilliam. Carver is an African American lieutenant and formerly in command of the Baltimore Police Department's Western District Drug Enforcement Unit...
for advice about the situation. Carver tells Herc the problem is beyond his pay-grade and suggests they take it to someone with more experience of politics. Carver suggests Herc meet his old commander, Southeastern District Major Stan Valchek.
Deputy campaign manager Norman Wilson waits for his candidate Tommy Carcetti
Tommy Carcetti
Thomas J. "Tommy" Carcetti is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Irish actor Aidan Gillen. Carcetti is an ambitious Baltimore politician who rises from a seat on the city council to the office of the Mayor of Baltimore, and to the office of the Governor of Maryland by the...
in his kitchen. Carcetti's wife Jen recommends that Wilson hurry him along. Wilson finds him playing Battleship with his daughter. Carcetti refuses to leave until he finishes the game - he tells Wilson that the election is already lost.
Carcetti meets with police officers at the FOP lodge. They admit that they are reluctant to endorse his campaign with Royce leading in the polls. Carcetti is understanding but asks that they hold back in their active support of Royce, and they agree to this. As they leave Major Valchek
Stanislaus Valchek
Stanislaus "Stan" Valchek is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Al Brown.-Biography:Valchek is the Polish-American commander of the Southeastern district, home to many of the remaining white ethnic neighborhoods in Baltimore...
reassures Carcetti that he has achieved the best outcome possible under the circumstances. Wilson urges Carcetti to prepare for the debate, saying that nothing matters more, but Carcetti tells him nothing matters at all now.
Valchek meets with Herc at the Fells Point docks. Valchek reassures Herc that the incident will act in his favor as long as Herc keeps quiet about it. Valchek says that Herc has already earned his sergeant's post and will become a lieutenant in two years and a major in four following a Royce victory. Herc worries that Royce will send him to the midnight shift as punishment and Valchek states that it would be acceptable to use his knowledge to retaliate against Royce if he was sent to the hated shift. Herc thanks Valchek for his time and advice and Valchek suggests that Herc might one day be able to return the favor. Valchek, realizing the advantageous situation Herc is in, laughs stating "What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes right now, kid, careers have been launched on a helluva lot less. Just shut up and play dumb." Meanwhile Royce is considering moving Herc out of his security detail and checks with his chief of staff Coleman Parker to see if Herc has friends high up in the department.
Neighborhood kids
Namond BriceNamond Brice
Namond Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Julito McCullum. Namond is the son of Wee-Bey Brice and De'Londa Brice and was a middle school pupil during season 4. He is friends with Michael Lee and Randy Wagstaff and often bullies Duquan "Dukie" Weems...
and his mother De'Londa visit his father Wee-Bey
Wee-Bey Brice
Roland "Wee-Bey" Brice is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Hassan Johnson. Wee-Bey was the Barksdale Organization's most trusted soldier before being sentenced to life imprisonment for multiple homicides....
at the prison. Wee-Bey reassures them that he is doing well and checks that they are still receiving money from Brianna Barksdale. Wee-Bey asks after his fish; De'Londa is impatient with Wee-Bey's hobby but Namond has dutifully been caring for the fish. Wee-Bey notices that his son has his first facial hair and jokes with him about it. Wee-Bey asks how Namond's work with drug dealer Bodie Broadus
Bodie Broadus
Preston "Bodie" Broadus is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor J. D. Williams. Bodie is initially a Barksdale organization drug dealer in "The Pit" who slowly rises through the ranks...
is progressing and De'Londa tells him that Namond has not been applying himself and threatens to withhold money for his school things until he does so. Wee-Bey repeats Bodie's warning that Namond's pony tail makes him easy to spot for the police.
Back in the neighborhood Stanfield drug dealing lieutenant "Monk" Metcalf is giving away money to neighborhood children to further his boss's reputation. Marlo Stanfield
Marlo Stanfield
Marlo "Black" Stanfield is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Jamie Hector. Stanfield is a young, ruthless and ambitious player in the Baltimore drug trade who gains control of West Baltimore and is the head of his own drug crew.-Character background and plot...
and his bodyguard Chris Partlow
Chris Partlow
Chris Partlow is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Gbenga Akinnagbe. Partlow is Marlo Stanfield's best friend, bodyguard, and second-in-command in his drug dealing operation. Despite his quiet demeanor, Partlow commits more on- and off-screen murders than any other...
watch from their nearby vehicle.
Michael Lee
Michael Lee (The Wire)
Michael Lee is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Tristan Wilds. He is a middle school pupil and is friends with Namond Brice, Randy Wagstaff and Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is more soft-spoken than his friends, and appears to have a leadership role among his peers...
and Namond approach Bodie to ask if Michael can have a job to earn money for school clothes and equipment for him and his younger brother. Bodie refuses to employ them both and Namond suggests that Michael could take his job until he has the funds he needs. Bodie waves them away as he notices Sergeant Carver pulling up. Carver is accompanied by homicide detective Bunk Moreland and they are looking for Bodie's recently murdered second-in-command Curtis "Lex" Anderson. Bodie promises to call them if he sees Lex, knowing that he is probably dead. Bunk says nothing but manages to intimidate Bodie with a look.
Namond and Michael find their friends on a stoop and begin to talk about returning to school. They joke about the girls that they will chase and Michael and Namond get into a play fight. Monk arrives and continues to hand out money. Randy Wagstaff
Randy Wagstaff
Randy Wagstaff is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Maestro Harrell. Randy is an enterprising student who is dependent on social services. During season 4, he was an 8th grade pupil at Edward Tilghman Middle School and is friends with Namond Brice, Michael Lee and Duquan...
is impressed by the gesture. Michael refuses to accept the money and walks away. Marlo approaches Michael to ask why he turned down the money. Michael initially does not make eye contact with Marlo, but after Marlo insults him, Michael silently stares him down. Impressed, Marlo smiles with approval, looks back at Chris, and then lets Michael go. Later Michael, Namond and Randy discuss their good fortune. Namond claims that he needs the money despite his family being rich because his mother has threatened to withhold money for his school clothes. Their friend Donut pulls up in a stolen SUV. Namond gets into the car and they joke about what to steal next. Carver notices the car and the young kids and calls it in when they flee from him. Carver decides not to chase the kids because he knows most of them anyway. Randy is caught by Officer Walker, who searches him for drugs and finds the $200.00 school clothes money, taking it from Randy on suspicion of drug dealing. He refuses to accept Randy's story that his foster mother gave him the money, pocketing it and telling Randy that if his foster mother comes to the district they can have it back.
Randy talks to his friends about Walker's actions and learns that he is known as one of many corrupt Western district officers. Donut continues to talk about what vehicle he would like to steal next and Duquan "Dukie" Weems warns him that he has already almost been caught once. Sergeant Carver arrives at the boys' hangout and gives them fair warning that if he sees any of them near a stolen car in the future he will deliver a beating in an alley rather than bringing them in. Namond is disbelieving and Carver uses Namond's name to prove that he knows who they are, where they hang and where they live. Donut praises Carver's car.
Namond returns home to find that his mother has laid out new clothes for him despite her threats. He goes downstairs and thanks her. When he returns he turns on the television to find councilman Gray talking about education. He quickly turns the mayoral debate off and begins playing a video game.
Bunk continues his search for Lex as a suspect in the murder of Stanfield dealer Fruit. He visits Lex's parents at their home and pressures his mother about her son's whereabouts. She refuses to tell him anything and Bunk tells her that he is not interested in his drug dealing but that he is wanted in connection to a homicide. Bunk believes that Lex has fled from the police.At the homicide unit Bunk discusses the interview with Lex's parents with his colleagues Ed Norris and Vernon Holley. A call comes in with a new case and Holley debates whether or not to answer, believing that if Norris takes the call, it will be a simple case, whereas if he answers the call the case will be impossible to solve. In the end Norris answers and the case appears to be a difficult drug shooting. Holley accompanies Norris to the scene of the shooting where they learn from the first officer on the scene, Aaron Castor, that the victim was alive when found but did not identify the shooter, instead telling Castor that he was shot by "a man with a gun".
Later, Norris learns that his victim was a witness in a drug case and is pleased that the case will be high profile and garner him overtime work. Holley cannot believe Norris' luck. He discusses the case with sergeant Jay Landsman
Jay Landsman (The Wire)
Jay Landsman is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Delaney Williams.-Policing method:Landsman's role in the police department is that of a supervisory detective sergeant who doesn't participate in much investigation work...
and is ordered to downplay the witness angle but take as much overtime as he needs to break the case. As soon as Norris leaves his office, Landsman phones Valchek to tell him about the dead witness.
Stanfield Organization
After making the rounds giving out money to neighborhood children, Marlo assembles his soldiers for a shooting practice session. Marlo, Snoop and Partlow are effective shooters, but some of the soldiers are less skilled. Monk gets a phone call from Old Face Andre who demands a resupply. Marlo takes over the call and quickly puts Andre in his place.Major case unit
At the unit office detective Lester FreamonLester Freamon
Lester Freamon is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Clarke Peters. Freamon is a detective in the Baltimore Police Department's Major Crimes Unit...
prepares to serve the subpoenas on political figures from the Barksdale Organization
Barksdale Organization
In the television series The Wire, the fictional Barksdale Organization led by Avon Barksdale began as the most powerful and violent drug crew in Baltimore, Maryland and was the main focus of investigation in seasons one and three...
. Leander Sydnor
Leander Sydnor
Leander Sydnor is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Corey Parker Robinson. Sydnor is a young, married Baltimore Police detective who was a member of the Barksdale detail and later worked in the Major Crimes Unit.-Season 1:...
worries that the action could damage all of their careers and Assistant States Attorney Pearlman
Rhonda Pearlman
Rhonda Pearlman is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actress Deirdre Lovejoy. Pearlman has been the legal system liaison for all of Lieutenant Cedric Daniels' investigations on the show...
shares this concern. Pearlman wishes that she had run the subpoenas by her superiors before letting them go ahead because of the upcoming elections. Freamon chastises her for considering breaking policy for politics. She tells him that the politics matter to her career for two reasons: if her boss, States Attorney Demper, is reelected but feels undermined by Pearlman, he will demote her to reviewing bail cases at the Central Booking holding facility; if the electoral opponent, an African American
African American
African Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States...
named Rupert Bond wins, she is likely to lose her position as the head of Narcotics prosecutions due to her race. Freamon notices that Pearlman has held back two subpoenas - Senator Clay Davis
Clay Davis
State Senator R. Clayton "Clay" Davis is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Isiah Whitlock, Jr. Davis is a corrupt Maryland State Senator with a reputation for pocketing bribes...
and Andy Krawczyk, planning to delay serving them until after the polls close. Freamon tells her that this is their only window for the investigation - at the moment the politicians have to worry about how their actions appear to the public: at any other time the unit would be shut down for pursuing this investigation.
Pearlman realizes that Freamon has played her by holding the investigation until now and that he lied when he said it was pushed back by fresh cases. Freamon pleads ignorance. Later Pearlman discusses her resentment of Freamon's duplicity in bed with Freamon's old commander Major Cedric Daniels
Cedric Daniels
Cedric Daniels is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Lance Reddick. He is a well regarded officer in the department whose focus is on good police work and quality arrests...
. Daniels points out that Freamon had a case and then manages to make Pearlman laugh about Freamon's tried and true manipulations. Daniels states that he is glad Freamon is manipulating someone other than him these days.
With the subpoenas ready, Freamon offers to serve them personally to protect Greggs and Sydnor, realizing that they have to remain in the department longer than he does given their shorter tenure. Greggs refuses the offer claiming "Fuck 'em where they live" and takes the subpoena for Krawczyk. Greggs is brash with Krawczyk and unafraid to give her name and unit. Despite his fears, Sydnor is unabashed when he serves the Davis subpoena. The senator is clearly distressed, going to Royce in an outraged manner about the subpoena. Davis tells Royce that there is a strong possibility of the receipt of dirty money (claiming that it's more likely for $40,000 in cash to be given to him in West Baltimore by African American
African American
African Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States...
drug dealers than by Asian American
Asian American
Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The U.S. Census Bureau definition of Asians as "Asian” refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan,...
corner store owners who control the commercial business there) but that as Royce's deputy campaign manager responsible for the primary election's funding, it is an ungrateful move of the BPD (who Royce has control over) to accuse him of money laundering. Davis closes by telling Royce that his campaign will no longer receive any financial assistance from him unless Royce has the Baltimore Police back off. Krawcyzk calls next with a similar complaint; Royce regurgitates their anger in a more extreme manner to Commissioner Burrell
Ervin Burrell
Ervin Burrell is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Frankie Faison. Burrell was an officer in the Baltimore Police Department who ascended from Deputy Commissioner of Operations to Commissioner over the course of the show...
Burrell, fearing for his job, promises the mayor that there will be no more surprises from within the police department but informs Royce that he is unable to do anything about subpoenas that have already been issued. Burrell discusses the problem with Deputy Commissioner William Rawls
William Rawls
William A. "Bill" Rawls is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor John Doman. Over the course of the series he ascends to the rank of Superintendent of the Maryland State Police.-Season 1:...
, asking who in the unit is the most likely instigator, with his first guess being the once problematic Jimmy McNulty
Jimmy McNulty
Detective James "Jimmy" McNulty is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by British actor Dominic West. McNulty is an Irish American detective in the Baltimore Police Department...
. Rawls tells Burrell, much to his own regret, that McNulty is not responsible for the subpoenas as he has been a western patrolman for over a year now, and that his best guess is Lester Freamon
Lester Freamon
Lester Freamon is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Clarke Peters. Freamon is a detective in the Baltimore Police Department's Major Crimes Unit...
. Rawls feels Freamon is the most likely instigator because of his investigative skills and interest in upsetting politicians. When Burrell asks how they should deal with Freamon, Rawls recommends "proper supervision" for the unit. Rawls feels that this is an effective method of handling the problem, as Freamon is running the unit in a relatively unsupervised manner and that forcing him out of the unit will only result in a bad headline for the department.
The wiretap on Monk's phone continues to prove fruitful for the unit. They have a record of the call received from Old Face Andre at the shooting practice session and are able to identify the nature of the call and Marlo's voice despite the background noise. Greggs and Freamon identify the sound of gunshots and wonder why Marlo is holding a target practice session when they have been unable to link his organization to any violence apart from that committed against them — Lex's murder of Fruit is the only Western drug-related homicide in months.
Dennis "Cutty" Wise continues his laboring job with a team of gardeners. He has picked up a working knowledge of Spanish, particularly swear words. The crew boss suggests that Cutty could work as a second crew chief and they could cover twice as much ground. Cutty refuses because of his commitment to his boxing gym.Later at the gym,Cutty continues to train one-time drug dealer Justin, who is preparing for an upcoming bout. The gym is packed with young men and a team of trainers and the equipment is much improved from when Cutty started out. A group of women wait in one corner as their sons work out. Cutty is approached by Sharon Jones, the mother of one of his students named Spider. She offers Cutty a dinner date and makes her availability abundantly clear; he tells her that he has little free time but asks if she could bring him dinner at the gym.
Cutty watches as Michael works a heavy bag and is very impressed with his natural ability. Another neighborhood mother, Gail, approaches Cutty with a peach cobbler. She has no sons but is impressed with Cutty regardless. Cutty pays far more attention to Michael.
Michael returns to the gym with Namond to work the heavy bag. Namond notices that Cutty is being flirted with by another mother. Justin interrupts Michael before his time is up and this sparks a fight. Cutty quickly breaks up the boys. Cutty allows Michael to finish his time and encourages him to accept training so that he can spar. One of Cutty's rules is that anyone can use the equipment but only boxers who are in training with one of his team can use the ring. Cutty offers to personally train Michael, but Michael declines.
BubblesBubbles (The Wire)
Reginald "Bubbles" Cousins is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actor Andre Royo. Bubbles is a recovering heroin addict. His real name is not revealed until a fourth-season episode when he is called "Mr. Cousins" and in the fifth-season premiere when he is called "Reginald"...
and his young protégé Sherrod continue to make their living selling goods from a shopping cart. Sherrod struggles to add up the price of their wares and Bubbles criticizes him and tells him if he had the math skills he could be running his own cart. Later, Bubbles tries to hide his drug use from Sherrod who he thinks is asleep. Sherrod is actually awake and worrying about Bubbles' criticism - he tells Bubbles that he is willing to go back to school.
Trainee math teacher Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski cleans up his classroom while listening to Johnny CashJohnny Cash
John R. "Johnny" Cash was an American singer-songwriter, actor, and author, who has been called one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century...
's "Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire (song)
"Ring of Fire" or "The Ring of Fire" is a country music song popularized by Johnny Cash and co-written by June Carter Cash and Merle Kilgore. The single appears on Cash's 1963 compilation album, Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash...
" in preparation for the new school year. He removes the gum from the underside of the tables. Later he meets with the other teachers to discuss maintaining consistent class rules. The rules are simple - insist the children double space their work so it is easier to read, use consistent headings on work and keep the windows closed to keep the class drowsy. Prez asks if they can try to prevent the classes chewing gum and the others recommend that he stick to simple rules that he can easily enforce.
Assistant principal Donnelly is being helped to prepare for the new term by one of her students, Crystal Judkins. She tasks Crystal with delivering a box of second hand school things to Dukie because she lives near him. Donnely shrewdly tells Crystal to give the clothes directly to Dukie and not any of the adults in his house. Bubbles and Sherrod arrive at the school offices, with Bubbles claiming to be the boy's uncle, to discuss possible enrollment for Sherrod. Donnelly asks them into her office, and Bubbles has a moment of recognition as he passes Prez.
Crystal faithfully delivers the package to Dukie's home. She is greeted by a disheveled man who tries to take the box from her, but she waits until Dukie comes downstairs for it.
The debate
In his debate preparation Carcetti is distracted and pays more attention to a problem with his son's school fees. When pressed by his campaign manager Theresa D'Agostino and Wilson, he is able to come up with effective answers. During his preparation Carcetti gets a visit from Valchek, who tells him about the recently murdered witness knowing that Carcetti can use it as ammunition in the debate.As the debate progresses, Carcetti's team watches on television and is impressed with his answers. Carcetti delivers his carefully planned answer to Royce's assertion that crime is down in Baltimore. Cutty watches from bed with a woman but soon changes the channel to sports. The homicide unit listens as Carcetti delivers his trump card - the murdered witness. The detectives joke about Norris' case making headlines. State delegate Odell Watkins seems impressed with Carcetti's speech. The audience applauds Carcetti's answer as Burrell and Rawls worry about the backlash for them for their failure to tell the mayor about the witness murder. Royce's response is labored, defensive, awkward, and evasive; Carcetti's team is pleased while Royce's people seem worried.
First appearances
- De'Londa Brice: Namond's materialistic and greedy mother who raises him with money from what remains of the Barksdale organization. A former club girl whom Wee-Bey impregnated, she is only being given the money she is due to Wee-Bey, who is serving prison time on the Barksdales' behalf.
- Sherrod: Bubbles' young intern. Sherrod also appeared uncredited once in season three.
- Crystal Judkins: Hard-working and responsible eighth grade student.
- Officer Eddie Walker: African AmericanAfrican AmericanAfrican Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States...
Western District patrolmen who catches RandyRandy WagstaffRandy Wagstaff is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by Maestro Harrell. Randy is an enterprising student who is dependent on social services. During season 4, he was an 8th grade pupil at Edward Tilghman Middle School and is friends with Namond Brice, Michael Lee and Duquan...
and confiscates money from him.