Solomon Islands White-eye
The New Georgia White-eye or Solomon Islands White-eye (Zosterops kulambangrae) is a species of bird
Birds are feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic , egg-laying, vertebrate animals. Around 10,000 living species and 188 families makes them the most speciose class of tetrapod vertebrates. They inhabit ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Extant birds range in size from...

 in the Zosteropidae family. It is endemic to the New Georgia Islands
New Georgia Islands
The New Georgia Islands are part of the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. They are located to the northwest of Guadalcanal. The larger islands are mountainous and covered in rain forest. The main islands are New Georgia, Vella Lavella, Kolombangara , Ghizo, Vangunu, Rendova and Tetepare...

 in the Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands is a sovereign state in Oceania, east of Papua New Guinea, consisting of nearly one thousand islands. It covers a land mass of . The capital, Honiara, is located on the island of Guadalcanal...

. It is also known as Zosterops rendovae but this name properly refers to the Grey-throated White-eye
Grey-throated White-eye
The Grey-throated White-eye is a species of bird. Its family, the Zosteropidae, is probably not valid and belongs in the Timaliidae instead. It is also known as Zosterops ugiensis because Z. rendovae has often been used for the New Georgia White-eye The Grey-throated White-eye (Zosterops rendovae)...


There are three distinct subspecies
Subspecies in biological classification, is either a taxonomic rank subordinate to species, ora taxonomic unit in that rank . A subspecies cannot be recognized in isolation: a species will either be recognized as having no subspecies at all or two or more, never just one...

. Z. k. kulambangrae is widespread in the New Georgia Group, occurring on Kolombangara
Kolombangara is an island in the New Georgia Islands group of the Solomon Islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean...

, Vonavona
Vonavona is an island in the Solomon Islands; it is located in the Western Province....

, Kohinggo
Kohinggo is an island in the Solomon Islands; it is located in the Western Province....

, New Georgia
New Georgia
New Georgia is the largest island of the Western Province of the Solomon Islands.-Geography:This island is located in the New Georgia Group, an archipelago including most of the other larger islands in the province...

, Vangunu
Vangunu Island is an island, part of the New Georgia Islands in the Solomon Islands. It is located between New Georgia and Nggatokae Island, at , between the islands of New Georgia and Nggatokae. In the north of the island is Lake Marovo, the largest salt water in the world....

 and Nggatokae. Z. k. paradoxus is found only on Rendova and Z. k. tetiparius only on Tetepare. The three subspecies differ in their ability to disperse
Biological dispersal
Biological dispersal refers to species movement away from an existing population or away from the parent organism. Through simply moving from one habitat patch to another, the dispersal of an individual has consequences not only for individual fitness, but also for population dynamics, population...

. While Z. k. kulambangrae regularly visits small islets, the other two subspecies have never been recorded away from their respective home islands which lie just 3.4 km apart.

It is 12 cm long and mainly green above and olive-yellow below. It has a narrow white ring around the eye, blackish forehead and lores, a black bill and yellowish legs.
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