Sorbaria sorbifolia
Sorbaria sorbifolia is commonly known as False Spiraea, also spelled False Spirea. It is a deciduous
Deciduous means "falling off at maturity" or "tending to fall off", and is typically used in reference to trees or shrubs that lose their leaves seasonally, and to the shedding of other plant structures such as petals after flowering or fruit when ripe...

 perennial plant
Perennial plant
A perennial plant or simply perennial is a plant that lives for more than two years. The term is often used to differentiate a plant from shorter lived annuals and biennials. The term is sometimes misused by commercial gardeners or horticulturalists to describe only herbaceous perennials...

 in the Rosaceae
Rosaceae are a medium-sized family of flowering plants, including about 2830 species in 95 genera. The name is derived from the type genus Rosa. Among the largest genera are Alchemilla , Sorbus , Crataegus , Cotoneaster , and Rubus...

 family. It is also known by its older names of Spiraea sorbifolia L. and Schizonotus sorbifolius (L.) Lindl. Other common names are False Goat's Beard, Appleberry, Sorb-leaved Schizonotus, and Ural False Spirea.


It is a shrub reaching 1 to 1.5 m. It bears compound, alternate, toothed leaflets which resemble ferns
A fern is any one of a group of about 12,000 species of plants belonging to the botanical group known as Pteridophyta. Unlike mosses, they have xylem and phloem . They have stems, leaves, and roots like other vascular plants...

 or sumac
Sumac is any one of approximately 250 species of flowering plants in the genus Rhus and related genera, in the family Anacardiaceae. Sumacs grow in subtropical and temperate regions throughout the world, especially in Africa and North America....

. Flowers are white and showy clustered at the end of branches.

It's Chinese name is zhen zhu mei.


Sorbaria sorbifolia grows naturally in temperate areas of Asia including Siberia, the Soviet Far East of Russia, China, Japan and Korea. It has been introduced as a garden ornamental elsewhere into Europe and North America.
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