South East Asia Court of Women on HIV and Human Trafficking


Organised by UNDP, Asian women’s Human Rights Council (AWHRC) and
Yakeba .(Indonesian -NGO) With the auspices of UN and CSO


Besides UNDP,AWHRC and Yakeba
The other coordinators are :United nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
United Nations Development Fund for Women(UNIFEM),United Nations Inter-Agency
Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP) and Asia Pacific Network of people living with HIV (APN +)


Testifying the legal cases of women trafficking and the court will bring together leaders, politicians, activists and communities who are working to make difference to empower women and reduce the level of women trafficking, violence, exploitation and HIV in South East Asia region


Headquarters: Bali, Indonesia

The jury of six experienced legal and human rights experts
The women’s court has the following sessions: Human rights of vulnerable Communities
Public health impact of anti trafficking legislation and responses from communities.

Recent activities

Have been in participation with 9th International congress on AIDS in Asia and the
Pacific (ICAAP9)
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