Specialized Systems Consultants
Specialized System Consultants (SSC), is a private media company
A company is a form of business organization. It is an association or collection of individual real persons and/or other companies, who each provide some form of capital. This group has a common purpose or focus and an aim of gaining profits. This collection, group or association of persons can be...

 that publishes magazines and reference manuals. SSC properties include LinuxGazette.com, ITgarage.com, the monthly international print magazine Linux Journal
Linux Journal
Linux Journal is a monthly technology magazine published by Belltown Media, Inc. of Houston, Texas. The magazine focuses specifically on Linux, allowing the content to be a highly specialized source of information for open source enthusiasts.-History:...

, and the webzine Tux Magazine
Tux Magazine
Tux Magazine was a Linux magazine aimed at Linux desktop end users, specifically those who use the KDE desktop environment. Tux's mission was to help Linux take over the desktop market....



In 1996, the Linux magazine, Linux Gazette
Linux Gazette
The Linux Gazette is a monthly self-published Linux computing webzine.-History:It was started in 1995 by John M. Fisk as a free service. He went on to pursue his studies and become a medical doctor. At Mr. Fisk's request, the publication was sponsored and managed by SSC...

, which was at the time managed by creator John M. Fisk, was transferred to SSC (under Phil Hughes) on the understanding that the publication would continue to be open, free and non-commercial.
Due to conflicts between SSC and Linux Gazette staff members, the magazine split into two competing groups which still remain separated.
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