Spread the Word to End the Word
Spread the Word to End the Word is a United States national campaign to encourage people to pledge to stop using the word retard.

End the R word advocates believe the use of the word “retard(ed)” in colloquial and everyday speech is hurtful and dehumanizing to individuals with mental retardation
Mental retardation
Mental retardation is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors...

. They advocate for the use of language that respects the dignity of people with mental retardation. Advocates believe individuals with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities are capable of enjoying life’s experiences and that causal references to the words retard or retarded makes a person with mental retardation feel less than human.

By calling it the r-word, they draw an analogy to socially unacceptable racial terms, especially nigger
Nigger is a noun in the English language, most notable for its usage in a pejorative context to refer to black people , and also as an informal slang term, among other contexts. It is a common ethnic slur...



The Spread the Word to End the Word movement was established in 2009 during the Special Olympics Global Youth Activation Summit at the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games
2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games
The 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games was held in the state of Idaho, USA from February 7 through February 13, 2009.Nearly 2500 athletes from over 100 countries participated in the games. Dignitaries included actors, musicians, athletes and politicians from around the United States and the...

. The Spread the Word to End the Word movement was created by youth with and without intellectual disabilities. According to the Special Olympics:

“The motivation for the campaign was driven by a united passion to promote the positive contributions people with intellectual disabilities make to communities around the world combined with a simple call to action that also symbolizes positive attitude change and a commitment to make the world a more accepting place for all people.”

On March 31, 2009 the campaign celebrated the 1st Annual Spread the Word to End the Word National Awareness Day. Across the country, students of all ages made a pledge to eliminate "retard
Mental retardation
Mental retardation is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors...

" from their vocabulary and encourage others to do the same. In 2010, the 2nd Annual Spread the Word to End the Word National Day of Awareness took place on March 3, 2010.

External links

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