Spurge Olive
Spurge Olive, Cneorum tricoccon, is a small shrub of the family Rutaceae
Rutaceae, commonly known as the rue or citrus family, is a family of flowering plants, usually placed in the order Sapindales.Species of the family generally have flowers that divide into four or five parts, usually with strong scents...

, native to Europe in the western Mediterranean Region.


Cneorum tricoccon reaches an average of 0.6 metres (2 ft) in height and is in leaf all year. The plant which is nearly round and evergreen in color. The yellowish flowers occur from June to July, and their seeds ripen from August to September. The Spurge Olive plant is also hermaphroditic.

Cneorum tricoccon prefers light sandy soils that are common in the Mediterranean and also requires soils that drain particullarly well. Spurge Olive must have considerable sunlight to grow, and often stunts when in much of shade.


Its fruit have no food value. The plant is rich in tannin, and can be used as a source of fuel.
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