Spurius (disambiguation)
Spurius is a small genus of passalid beetles from Mesoamerica....

is a genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

 of passalid beetles.

The name Spurius was a Roman praenomen
The praenomen was a personal name chosen by the parents of a Roman child. It was first bestowed on the dies lustricus , the eighth day after the birth of a girl, or the ninth day after the birth of a boy...

 (see Spurius (praenomen)
Spurius (praenomen)
Spurius is a Latin praenomen, or personal name, which was used primarily during the period of the Roman Republic, and which fell into disuse in imperial times. It was used by both patrician and plebeian families, and gave rise to the patronymic gens Spurilia. The feminine form is Spuria...

) and may also refer to figures from ancient history and/or mythology
The term mythology can refer either to the study of myths, or to a body or collection of myths. As examples, comparative mythology is the study of connections between myths from different cultures, whereas Greek mythology is the body of myths from ancient Greece...

  • Spurius Maelius
    Spurius Maelius
    Spurius Maelius , a wealthy Roman plebeian, who during a severe famine bought up a large amount of wheat and sold it at a low price to the people.-Biography:...

  • Spurius Tarpeius
    Spurius Tarpeius
    Spurius Tarpeius is a mythological character. He was the commander of the Roman citadel under King Romulus. His daughter Tarpeia betrayed the city to the fathers of the kidnapped Sabine women and asked for everything the sabine warriors had on their left arms...

  • Spurius Antius
    Spurius Antius
    Spurius Antius was a Roman envoy to Fidenae. He was murdered on he orders of the Veientine Lars Tolumnius.-References:Livy 4.16...

  • Spurius Carvilius Ruga
    Spurius Carvilius Ruga
    Spurius Carvilius Ruga was the freedman of Spurius Carvilius Maximus Ruga. He is often credited with inventing the Latin letter G. His invention would have been quickly adopted in the Roman Republic, because the letter C was, at the time, confusingly used both for the /k/ and /g/ sounds...

  • Spurius Cassius Viscellinus
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