Sri Sri University
VISION : TO IMPART HOLISTIC, VALUE-INTEGRATED EDUCATION THAT DEVELOPS VISIONARY THINKERS WITH THE SOCIAL-CONSCIOUSNESS TO LEAD SOCIETAL AND ECONOMIC CHANGE.At the heart of the Sri Sri University- Faculty of Management Studies is the principle of integration. Integrate wealth with values, success with ethics, and passion with compassion. This balance creates future leaders who excel in business built on a foundation of strong human values & ethics.
The Faculty of Management Studies takes pride in introducing its full time MBA Programmes. These flagship offerings from the Sri Sri University Faculty of Management Studies (SSU-FMS), encompass state-of-the-art management studies integrated with the Art of Living Leadership and Self-development programmes.
Sri Sri University Faculty of Management Studies aims to nurture socially conscious, ethical and dynamic business managers capable of changing the world of business, while assuming social responsibility. It will empower future leaders with cutting edge business thinking skills and a world-vision centered on ethics and values. The rigorous 2 years programmes, ideal for professionals and students, will open countless doors to new opportunities and challenges, by leveraging the global Art of Living presence and our vast industry network.
LEARN: Learning encompasses six dimensions- Information, Concepts, Attitude, Imagination, Freedom and Intuition.LEAD: Learning will instill in the students “skill to excel and will to act” which results in the ability to lead.
SERVE: A commitment to serve and positively impact society.
Guruji's Message
Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need to revive spirituality in business, as in all aspects of life. It is sometimes thought that spirituality is incompatible with profit making. Business devoid of spirituality breeds greed and exploitation, both significant in any financial crisis. If we want to reinstate trust and sustain it as well, we cannot compromise on human values. Although these values are innate in every human being, they have been overshadowed by the stresses and strains of everyday life.Management begins with the mind- a mind that is properly managed can manage anything. Just taking a few minutes every day to reflect and to practice spiritual techniques such as Yoga, Meditation and simple breathing exercises can eliminate stress, increase energy levels, and improve mental clarity and creativity. This greatly strengthens one’s intuition and expression. It gives the much needed patience and vision to any leader.
The need of the hour is for a system of education where the roots are deep and there are fresh shoots on the tree- a combination of the newness and the ancientness.
Dr. A. L. Rao (President) Board of Governors, Sri Sri University, Former President & Chief Operating Officer, WIPRO Technologies.Sri Sri University envisaged to become a multi-disciplinary unitary campus, covering every faculty of human endeavour Traditional Vedic Studies, Modern Medicine, Management Studies, Engineering and Pure Science Research. The university will combine traditional wisdom and modern technology to bring about a synthesis of human and technological development. In all its students, the university will inculcate a sense of social responsibility along with expertise in the respective subject. The pedagogy will be interspersed with proven Art of Living self-development programmes and Yoga techniques to bring about a holistic development encompassing the intellectual, mental, spiritual and physical dimensions.
Vice Chancellor
Dr. K. C. Mishra(vice Chancellor & Dean-FMS)
Member, Board of Governors, Sri Sri University
Formerly Director & Area Chair Person of Lal Bahadur Shastry Institute of Management, National Insurance Academy,
Asci and S. P. Jain Institute of Management.
Business education is a complex enterprise- composed of considerations and issue of practice, policy and pedagogy. It is this complexity that poses a challenge in addressing the needs of business schooling in the 21st century. Sri Sri University will have unwavering commitment to academic excellence, service and social justice in business school, communities and neighbourhoods. SSU-FMS will strive to educate the whole person, in intellect, consciousness and spirit, in a tradition captured by the phrase ‘cura personalis’. As SSU moves forward, it will remain steadfast to these commitments and indeed increase the number and broaden the scope of its initiatives to ensure brighter futures for its students. SSU-FMS teaching learning methods offer opportunities and insights that connect with students’ hopes, wishes and exciting future in Business Management.
The richest and most valuable learning in life is always rooted in human relationships. At its essence, education is the ever-increasing capacity for full participation in a culture and a society. This means education is based in the human bonds of social relationships and the connections with cultures. Building those bonds of human connection requires mutual understanding, self-awareness, and the development of consciousness. Understanding students in classroom is the first step toward forging effective and meaningful relationships with students. Reach the exciting world of Sri Sri and imbibe the Art of Living in whichever dream you pursue.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Art of Living Foundation, an international non-profit and humanitarian organization, has pioneered the concept of value-based learning, through the Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir Trust, across more than 100 institutions ranging from Pre-primary Schools to Professional Colleges in 16 states. Art of Living’s success stories range from revolutionizing education in rural India to establishing the first English Language School in Asia’s largest slum, Dharavi in Mumbai. Evidently, His Holiness has placed education at the very foundation of his inspiring global phenomenon of compassion and service. Thus, Sri Sri University is a natural extension of the phenomenon into realm of Higher Education.Sri Sri University has been established under the Sri Sri University Act, 2009 No15024-I-Legis.-33/08/L, notified in Orissa Gazatte No. 1899 on the 28th December 2009.
The Government of Orissa has leased out about 186 acres of land near Bidyadharpur, Cuttack for the purpose of setting up the university. The university campus, strategically located between the twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, stand among verdant greenery overlooking the picturesque Kathjodi River.
The total area of construction is expected to be thirty lakh square feet and is slated to be completed in a phased manner in the next six years. On completion, the university campus will cater to the needs of 10000 students and around 2000 faculty staff.
In the first phase, Five Lakh Twenty Four Thousand Square Feet (5, 24, 000 sq. ft.) is being constructed to house the Faculty of Management Studies, along with hostels for students of this faculty as well as other faculties. The architecture of the Faculty reminds of Nalanda and Rajgiri in one go.
Graduate Programs
- Faculty of Management Studies
- Faculty of Engineering & Sciences
- Faculty of Governance & Public Policy
- Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Yoga & Vedic Sciences
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Fine Arts
The university will have research centers in disciplines such as rural economics, entrepreneurship, agribusiness, alternative energy sources, public policy, Yoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul...
, performing arts, and Ayurveda
Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India and a form of alternative medicine. In Sanskrit, words , meaning "longevity", and , meaning "knowledge" or "science". The earliest literature on Indian medical practice appeared during the Vedic period in India,...
Ethos of Sri Sri University
Ethos of Sri Sri University – Faculty of Management Studies“Graduate with a degree in management from SSU - FMS in 2014 and realize you have something extra to move into a business career”
An MBA is arguably the most widely recognized academic brand in the world. The SSU – FMS MBA will evolve you, the way “Art of Living” has evolved individuals all over the world. Bolstered by this “Art of Living” magic, it is slated to become one of the fastest-growing business education degree brands in the global market place.
The value of teaching business to students before they enter the workplace will be cemented by the values propounded by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The choice of pre-MBA education can be a bachelor degree in business, economics, social sciences, arts, pure sciences, languages, philosophy, physics, engineering, biotechnology or agriculture to bring in real diversity to classroom.
The General Management Programme has a broad-brush approach to business and our specialized MBA in Agri-Business or Entreneurship is highly focused without diluting the flavour of MBA. There are big differences between the content and teaching styles of these two types of programmes. The General MBA teaches more functional and technical skills alongside “big picture” MBA topics such as strategy and leadership. Specialized MBA students will be more subject specific than General MBAs and will be quicker to grasp some of the issues of the subject of their choice. That said, specialized programmes will adopt many of the facets of the General MBA degree, such as strategy and leadership; accounting and marketing; IT and Ethics.
SSU creates a compelling growth situation for the students; to think regional while being global. Student’s need to understand the regional & the global all in same breath and master that actively by influencing practice here and now.
Coaching and mentoring will be a growing part of specialized programmes and it is continous coaching that helps develop new business ideas. One of the most influential parts of any MBA course at SSU-FMS is getting advice from executives in the industry, as entire AOL community brimming with industry chieftains and high priests of business world, is ready to better the world around them with such gifts of wisdom.
SSU’s Vice Chancellor’s primary interest is in Business Management. In fact, some might say that he is a lifetime devotee of the discipline. His ideas have heavily influenced managerial theory and practice – and business education itself. He was frontal in institutions of national and international repute. Devoting his time to discussing a seemingly unending variety of issues, he continually addresses the relationship between ideas and practice and how experience is crucial for learning.
SSU has the most representative of the pragmatists as its Board of Governors and Advisors. They understand that ideas become meaningful when put into action. Action is what counts. It has an impact. It transforms things for the better. It solves problems.
In the interplay between action and thinking lies room for improvement. Our continuously learning faculty at SSU-FMS provide this. Faculty members will create excellent managerial examples by conceptualize all the implications of a situation, dealing with puzzling data and linking them to actions. The interrelation between thought and action is distilled into strategizing, planning, executing, assessing and correcting by SSU - FMS faculty members.
In a business school, there is little room for abstract thought. Ideas need to be turned into models. Models help analyze reality and solve problems. These models are not universal, they are a product of past learning. SSU – FMS faculty members see models as valid only to the extent that they link experience and reflection of current positioning and strategy in business. The faculty perceives them as frameworks to be respected as long as they have a use.
Over the past three decades, companies have changed their habits. They focus more on the use of organizational learning, emerging strategies and innovation to cope with change. These are all good examples of the prevalence of experience as a test for ideas. This emphasizes the vital importance of learning at all levels. Individuals, groups and organizations are transforming while learning. Most organizations have recognized the importance of learning the “Art of Living” for sustainability of their efforts in these eventful three decades.
Education here at SSU is linked to the interests and motivation of students. Nowhere have these ideas been more purely applied than in management education. True Business Schools stand out for their development of teaching that acknowledges the interests and needs of participants. MBA and executive education differ widely in the ways they address curricular knowledge. They differ in the role that skill development should play. They have to calibrate how much past individual experience is required for a given curricular diversity.
This is all familiar to the “Art of Living” world. The term “experiential learning” has well established origin and it is now forming the backbone of management education. The root of much of what we know grew from a seed planted in Indian Gurukul system. In a Gurukul the student experiences life in the hermitage of Guru where all aspects of the students development are addressed & carefully nurtured - physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Overall SSU is rooted in the ideals of the Art of Living to recreate Indian Gurukul system as an elixir of modern higher education.
Campus Facilities
The state-of-the-art aesthetically designed campus of Sri Sri University is spread across 185 acres of verdant greenery. Overlooking the picturesque Kathjodi River, it is located at Bidyadharpur near Cuttack in Orissa, and will cater to the complete residential and academic needs of 7,500 students and around 2,000 teaching and support staff.The entire campus will have several independent schools, each specialising in a single field of study. The University will follow an all-encompassing ethos of research and learning, with the aim of building a community with strong linkages with the outside world of academia, industry and other research institutions. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, multiple sports complexes, cultural auditoriums, a large and well-equipped central library, departmental libraries, air-conditioned gymnasium, laboratories, separate boys and girls hostels, well-appointed classrooms and multi-speciality hospitals both in modern medicine and Ayurveda, Sri Sri University will set its own standards of excellence. The campus will be wi-fi enabled with high speed broadband connectivity.
On campus, Sri Sri University- Faculty of Management Studies will offer countless ways to connect with other members of the University community. With the numerous student clubs, hundreds of sports activities, cultural programmes, guest lectures, film screenings, and community service opportunities, students will get involved with the University, with their Institute, and most important, with each other.