St. Mark Passion
Several composers have written St. Mark Passions – a passion
Passion (Christianity)
The Passion is the Christian theological term used for the events and suffering – physical, spiritual, and mental – of Jesus in the hours before and including his trial and execution by crucifixion...

 (story of the last days of Christ) based on the Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Mark
The Gospel According to Mark , commonly shortened to the Gospel of Mark or simply Mark, is the second book of the New Testament. This canonical account of the life of Jesus of Nazareth is one of the three synoptic gospels. It was thought to be an epitome, which accounts for its place as the second...

. Among them are:
  • St Mark Passion (Bach)
    St Mark Passion (Bach)
    The St Mark Passion , BWV 247, is a lost Passion setting by Johann Sebastian Bach, first performed in Leipzig on Good Friday, 23 March 1731 and again on Good Friday 1744 in a revised version...

     (BWV 247, 1731, lost) by Johann Sebastian Bach
  • St. Mark Passion (Wood)
    St. Mark Passion (Wood)
    The St. Mark Passion of Charles Wood is a musical composition written in 1920. The work calls for solo tenor , solo baritone , chorus and organ, as well as minor roles for five solo basses , a solo treble , and a solo treble or alto...

     (1920) by Charles Wood
  • La Pasión según San Marcos (The Passion According to St. Mark) (2000) by Osvaldo Golijov
    Osvaldo Golijov
    Osvaldo Noé Golijov is a Grammy award–winning composer of classical music.-Biography:Osvaldo Golijov was born in and grew up in La Plata, Argentina, in a Jewish family that had emigrated to Argentina in the 1920s from Romania and Russia.Golijov has developed a rich musical language, the result of...

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