Star Line (shipping company)
The Star Line, Ltd. was a shipping company managed by Messrs. James P. Corry and Co. In 1908, it had a fleet of seven modern cargo steamers engaged in trade with the East and Far East
Far East
The Far East is an English term mostly describing East Asia and Southeast Asia, with South Asia sometimes also included for economic and cultural reasons.The term came into use in European geopolitical discourse in the 19th century,...

, with a gross tonnage of 34,900 tons.
The "Star Fleet" consisted of the ships Star of Australia, Star of Japan, Star of England, Star of New Zealand, Star of Ireland, Star of Scotland and Star of Victoria.

Some of these ships were sold to the Alaska Packers' Association
Alaska Packers' Association
The Alaska Packers' Association was a San Francisco based manufacturer of Alaska canned salmon founded in 1891 and sold in 1982. As the largest salmon packer in Alaska, the member canneries of APA were active in local affairs, and had considerable political influence...

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