Star of Threbe
The Star of Threbe is a fictional artifact
Magic item
A magic item is any object that has magical powers inherent in it. These may act on their own or be the tools of the person or being whose hands they fall into. Magic items are commonly found in both folklore and modern fantasy...

 in the animated series, W.I.T.C.H.
W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)
W.I.T.C.H. is an animated television series based on the Italian comic book series of the same name produced by SIP Animation in association and participation by France 3, Jetix Europe, CNC, , - AGICOA, the Poitou-Charentes region and the Charente department. Despite their acronym, the five main...


Long back when Meridian
Meridian (W.I.T.C.H.)
Meridian, also known as Metamoor or Metaworld, is a fictional planet in the comic book series W.I.T.C.H. and in the animated series of the same name.- Culture and Customs :...

 was a peaceful and happy place, a young girl, Weira (Elyon
Elyon Brown
Elyon Brown is a fictional character in the comic book W.I.T.C.H. and the animated series of the same name.-Character history:Elyon Brown is a heart-warming teenager with straw coloured hair in two braids. She is friendly and smart, but sometimes a bit wishy-washy.Elyon Brown is the Queen of...

's mother), heir to the throne, wandered away from her parents and got lost.

Weira's parents were frantic, and beseeched the Mage for help. The Mage used the Heart of Kandrakar
Heart of Kandrakar
The Heart of Kandrakar , is a fictional magical pendant from the Italian W.I.T.C.H. comic book and the French animated series of the same name...

 to create a locator stone, a seven-pointed star, designed to locate the current Princess (The Heart of Meridian). As the Mage says: "This star will summon for you one person who is lost, and when she finds it, it will render powerless anything or anyone that will prevent her from coming home, but if activated, the Star could never be destroyed and could one day serve your enemies..."

As expected, Weira was drawn to the Star, and it safely guided and guarded her back to her parents. Her father threw the Star into the Volcano of Threbe, hoping to destroy it, though to no avail.

Present Day

In the present day, Prince Phobos
Phobos (W.I.T.C.H.)
Prince Phobos is a fictional villain in the comic book W.I.T.C.H. and the animated series of the same name.In the comic book he serves as the primary antagonist during the first story arc, and returns in the fourth story arc. In the animated series he serves as the primary villain during the first...

, wanting to find his long-lost sister, the Princess of Meridian, found the Star and ordered his faithful servant Cedric
Cedric (W.I.T.C.H.)
Lord Cedric is a fictional character in the W.I.T.C.H. comic and animated series. Cedric is the right hand man of Phobos, and acts as the head of his armies. He posed as a human bookseller named Cedric Hoffman to gain Elyon Brown's trust and help lure her to Meridian so that Phobos could steal her...

 to put the Star in his bookshop, so it would attract his sister (The Heart of Meridian).

Elyon, drawn to the Star like Weira was, took it from the bookshop, unaware that Cedric was secretly watching her, thus finding out the identity of Phobos's long-lost sister.

Meanwhile, as the Guardians attempted to give Blunk a bath, they tried to fly into the air, but the Star, activating, rendered the Guardians and the Heart of Kandrakar powerless, like the Mage said, and the Guardians fell into the river, unable to stay in the air. Will
Will Vandom
Wilhelmina "Will" Vandom is a fictional character who first appeared in W.I.T.C.H. #1 in April 2001. She is the leader of the Guardians , a group of teenage girls who guard Kandrakar, the center of the universe...

 discovers that they cannot change back into their original forms, and they sneak into the Silver Dragon, seeking Hay Lin
Hay Lin
Hay Lin is a member of W.I.T.C.H., a group of teenage girls who make up the Guardians, the people who guard Candracar, the center of the universe, from evil. Hay Lin is Chinese. Hay Lin is the "H" in W.I.T.C.H., acronym of the girls' names...

's grandmother's, Yan Lin's help, who explains the legend to them and informs them that they shall continue to be rendered powerless until the Star passes to a new owner, which would be very grave news indeed, as Phobos would find Elyon at last. At the end of the episode the Guardians do receive their powers back and thus realizes what had occurred to make it so.
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