Stellate, meaning star-shaped, may refer to:
- Stellate cellStellate cellIn neuroscience, stellate cells are neurons with several dendrites radiating from the cell body giving them a star shaped appearance. The three most common stellate cells are the inhibitory interneurons found within the molecular layer of the cerebellum, excitatory spiny stellate interneurons and...
- Stellate ganglionStellate ganglionThe stellate ganglion is a sympathetic ganglion formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion and the first thoracic ganglion...
- Stellate reticulumStellate reticulumThe stellate reticulum is a group of cells located in the center of the enamel organ of a developing tooth. These cells are star shaped and synthesize glycosaminoglycans. As glycosamingoglycans are produced, water is drawn in between the cells and stretch them apart...
- Stellate veinsStellate veinsThe veins beneath the fibrous tunic of the kidney, stellate veins are stellate in arrangement, and are derived from the capillary network, into which the terminal branches of the interlobular arteries break up. These join to form the interlobular veins, which pass inward between the rays....
- Stellate trichomes (hairs) on plants
- Stellate laceration or incisionWound#Open