Sturlaugs saga starfsama
Sturlaugs saga starfsama is a legendary saga
Legendary saga
A Legendary saga or Fornaldarsaga is a Norse saga that, unlike the Icelanders' sagas, takes place before the colonization of Iceland. There are some exceptions, such as Yngvars saga víðförla, which takes place in the 11th century...

 from the 14th century about Sturlaugr the Industrious, who was the son of a Norwegian Hersir
A hersir was a local military commander of a hundred and owed allegiance to a jarl or king. They were also aspiring landowners, and, like the middle class in many feudal societies, supported the kings in their centralization of power. The hersir was often equipped with a conical helmet and a short...


After having killed a competing suitor and chased away a second one, he married Åsa the Fair, the daughter of a jarl. Her old foster-mother helps Sturlaugr with advice and predictions. The hero has to undertake a dangerous journey to find the horn of an aurochs
The aurochs , the ancestor of domestic cattle, were a type of large wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa, but is now extinct; it survived in Europe until 1627....

 and enquire about its origins, which is even more dangerous.

Eventually, Sturlaugr becomes a high chieftain in the Swedish army. His son was Göngu-Hrólf of Göngu-Hrólfs saga
Göngu-Hrólfs saga
Göngu-Hrólfs saga is a legendary saga, written mainly for entertainment, as the author clearly states in his preface and at the end of the story...



  • Ohlmarks, Åke
    Åke Ohlmarks
    Åke Joel Ohlmarks was a Swedish author, translator and scholar of religion.He worked as a Lecturer at the University of Greifswald from 1941 to 1945...

    . (1982). Fornnordiskt lexikon. Tiden. ISBN 91-550-2511-0

External links

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