Susy Dorn
Susy Dorn is a teacher, composer
A composer is a person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition, for interpretation and performance, or through direct manipulation of sonic material through electronic media...

, musician, performer, producer, and the creator and founder of the Spanish Immersion Program "Let's Play in Spanish". Her teaching methodology includes theater, puppetry
Puppetry is a form of theatre or performance which involves the manipulation of puppets. It is very ancient, and is believed to have originated 30,000 years BC. Puppetry takes many forms but they all share the process of animating inanimate performing objects...

, games, and music that she composes and sings.

Early life

Susy was born and raised in Lima, Perú. She spent her preschool, elementary and high school years in an American school where she was immersed in the English language from age 3. Susy Dorn comes from a family of teachers. Her mother and father are both educators. Dorn got her Bachelor's Degree in Child Development Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru is a private university in Lima, Peru. It was founded in 1917 by F. Jorge Dintilhac SS.CC. as Peru's first non-profit private institution of higher learning. Academically, PUCP ranks second in Peru, behind the National University of San Marcos.-History:The...


Founding Let's Play in Spanish

Dorn moved to the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 in 1998 and started Spanish classes for 8 children in the house of a friend in downtown San Jose, California
San Jose, California
San Jose is the third-largest city in California, the tenth-largest in the U.S., and the county seat of Santa Clara County which is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay...

. The parent participation classes started growing by word of mouth and soon she found herself driving to different cities such as Palo Alto, Cupertino, Willow Glen and Campbell
Campbell, California
Campbell is a city in Santa Clara County, California, a suburb of San Jose, and part of Silicon Valley, in the San Francisco Bay Area. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, Campbell's population is 39,349...

to teach classes full time. Soon after that, she established her main Spanish classes at the Campbell Community Center, where people drove all the way from San Francisco to take them.
Later on, she hired a qualified team of native Spanish teachers and brought the program to different cities. Today the program is established in Campbell, Santa Cruz, Palo Alto, San Mateo and San Francisco attracting more than 700 children from 10 months to 9 years of age.

Susy and the "Juguemos" team have performed numerous times all around the San Francisco Bay Area attracting hundreds of young followers and their parents to the concerts. Several performances have been done with benefit purposes for Peruvian street children.

Discography, Movies and Books

With the help of her husband Chris Dorn, Susy has composed and produced original materials in CDs, DVDs and books that allow parents to take the lessons home.
  • Cantemos en Español - CD (2004), DVD (2006) and Book (2006)
  • Sal y Pimienta - CD (2005), DVD (2006) and Book (2006)
  • Los Bomberos - CD (2005) and Book (2007)
  • La Marcha de las Aves - CD (2007) and Book (2007)
  • Feliz Navidad - CD (2007)
  • Rimas y Más Rimas, Ratón Ramón - CD (2008) and Book (2008)
  • El Baile del Mono - CD (2009)
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