Svenska Argus
Then Swänska Argus was an 18th century periodical written entirely by Olof von Dalin
Olof von Dalin
Olof von Dalin was a Swedish nobleman, poet, historian and courtier. He was an influential literary figure of the Swedish Enlightenment.-Background:...

, an influential Swedish poet.

It was published weekly from 1732 to 1734 and contained short stories, poems, plays and editorials, totalling between 6 and 10 printed pages. Its first issue, published on December 13, 1732, is commonly considered to be the dividing line between Older New Swedish and Younger New Swedish (äldre nysvenska and yngre nysvenska). Dalin wrote the periodical in a free and lively conversational tone that contrasted with other influential Swedish writers of the time, such as Carl Gyllenborg
Carl Gyllenborg
Count Carl Gyllenborg was a Swedish statesman and author.-Biography:After serving in the Polish War, he was sent to London as secretary of legation. In 1715, he was made minister plenipotentiary, and two years later was imprisoned for five months because of his participation in the plot to...

. The publication also had an important influence on the development of Swedish orthography
The orthography of a language specifies a standardized way of using a specific writing system to write the language. Where more than one writing system is used for a language, for example Kurdish, Uyghur, Serbian or Inuktitut, there can be more than one orthography...

. Dalin was only 25 at the time of publication, and had yet to travel abroad.

Then Swänska Argus fit into a wider literary trend in Europe, represented by light and lively English periodicals such as The Tatler and The Spectator
The Spectator
The Spectator is a weekly British magazine first published on 6 July 1828. It is currently owned by David and Frederick Barclay, who also owns The Daily Telegraph. Its principal subject areas are politics and culture...

. The only direct Swedish predecessor of Den Svenska Argus was the more formal and less successful Sedolärande Mercurius. Dalin was a keen student of language, combining linguistic influences from his childhood in the southern Swedish province of Halland
' is one of the traditional provinces of Sweden , on the western coast of Sweden. It borders Västergötland, Småland, Scania and the sea of Kattegat.-Administration:...

, his school years at the University of Lund and his later employment at the Royal Court of Sweden
Royal Court of Sweden
The Royal Court of Sweden is the official name for the organisation that supports the Monarch of Sweden, and the Royal House...

. Den Svenska Argus proved to be so popular that it was reprinted in its entirety in 1754. Its popularity also propelled Dalin's career, as he rose from royal librarian in 1737, through the noble ranks, to privy councillor in 1753.
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