Synchronous circuit
A synchronous circuit is a digital circuit
Digital circuit
Digital electronics represent signals by discrete bands of analog levels, rather than by a continuous range. All levels within a band represent the same signal state...

 in which the parts are synchronized by a clock signal
Clock signal
In electronics and especially synchronous digital circuits, a clock signal is a particular type of signal that oscillates between a high and a low state and is utilized like a metronome to coordinate actions of circuits...


In an ideal synchronous circuit, every change in the logical levels of its storage components is simultaneous. These transitions follow the level change of a special signal called the clock. Ideally, the input to each storage element has reached its final value before the next clock occurs, so the behaviour of the whole circuit can be predicted exactly. Practically, some delay is required for each logical operation, resulting in a maximum speed at which each synchronous system can run.

To make these circuits work correctly, a great deal of care is needed in the design of the Clock Distribution Networks
Clock Distribution Networks
In a synchronous digital system,the clock signal is used to define a timereference for the movement of data within that system. The clock distribution network distributes the clock signal from a common point to all the elements that need it.Since this function isvital to the operation of a...

. Static timing analysis
Static timing analysis
Static Timing Analysis is a method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring simulation.High-performance integrated circuits have traditionally been characterized by the clock frequency at which they operate...

 is often used to determine the maximum safe operating speed.

See also

  • Asynchronous circuit
    Asynchronous circuit
    An asynchronous circuit is a circuit in which the parts are largely autonomous. They are not governed by a clock circuit or global clock signal, but instead need only wait for the signals that indicate completion of instructions and operations. These signals are specified by simple data transfer...

  • Moore machine
    Moore machine
    In the theory of computation, a Moore machine is a finite-state machine, whose output values are determined solely by its current state.-Name:The Moore machine is named after Edward F...

  • Mealy machine
    Mealy machine
    In the theory of computation, a Mealy machine is a finite-state machine whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current inputs. The outputs change asynchronously with respect to the clock, meaning that the outputs change at unpredictable times, making timing analysis...

  • Finite state machine
    Finite state machine
    A finite-state machine or finite-state automaton , or simply a state machine, is a mathematical model used to design computer programs and digital logic circuits. It is conceived as an abstract machine that can be in one of a finite number of states...

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