Székely Himnusz
The Székely Himnusz has been the unofficial national anthem
National anthem
A national anthem is a generally patriotic musical composition that evokes and eulogizes the history, traditions and struggles of its people, recognized either by a nation's government as the official national song, or by convention through use by the people.- History :Anthems rose to prominence...

 of the Székely
The Székelys or Székely , sometimes also referred to as Szeklers , are a subgroup of the Hungarian people living mostly in the Székely Land, an ethno-cultural region in eastern Transylvania, Romania...

 Hungarians (around 850,000 people) living in Székely Land
Székely Land
The Székely Land or Szekler Land refers to the territories inhabited mainly by the Székely, a Hungarian-speaking ethnic group from eastern Transylvania...

 in eastern Transylvania
Transylvania is a historical region in the central part of Romania. Bounded on the east and south by the Carpathian mountain range, historical Transylvania extended in the west to the Apuseni Mountains; however, the term sometimes encompasses not only Transylvania proper, but also the historical...

 (today part of Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...

) and elsewhere in the world. The lyrics were written by György Csanády in 1921, and its music was composed by Kálmán Mihalik.

On September 5, 2009, it was adopted as the anthem of Székely Land by the Szekler National Council
Szekler National Council
The Szekler National Council is the main political organization representing the Székely of Romania.-History:The Council was founded on October 16, 2003. Its first president was József Csapó, who served until autumn 2006, when he resigned...



Ki tudja merre, merre visz a végzet

Göröngyös úton, sötét éjjelen.

Segítsd még egyszer győzelemre néped,

Csaba királyfi csillagösvényen.

Maroknyi székely porlik, mint a szikla

Népek harcától zajló tengeren.

Fejünk az ár ezerszer elborítja,

Ne hagyd el Erdélyt, Erdélyt Istenem!

Literal translation

Who knows where destiny takes us

On a rough road on a dark night.

Help your nation to victory once more,

Prince Csaba, on the stars' path.

Handful of Székely being crushed like the cliffs

On the sea storming from the battle of nations.

Our heads are a thousand times covered by the tide,

Don't abandon Transylvania, Transylvania, My God!

Common variant and additional verses

Hungarian English translation

Ki tudja merre, merre visz a végzet

Göröngyös úton, sötét éjjelen.

Vezesd még egyszer győzelemre néped,

Csaba királyfi csillagösvényen.

Maroknyi székely porlik, mint a szikla

Népek harcának zajló tengerén.

Fejünk az ár, jaj, százszor elborítja,

Ne hagyd elveszni Erdélyt, Istenünk!

Ameddig élünk magyar ajkú népek

Megtörni lelkünk nem lehet soha

Szülessünk bárhol, világ bármely pontján

Legyen a sorsunk jó vagy mostoha.

Maroknyi székely...

Már másfélezer év óta Csaba népe

Sok vihart élt át, sorsa mostoha

Külső ellenség jaj, de gyakran tépte

Nem értett egyet otthon sem soha.

Maroknyi székely...

Keserves múltunk, évezredes balsors

Tatár, s török dúlt, labanc rabigált

Jussunk e honban, Magyar Székelyföldön

Szabad hazában élni boldogan.

Maroknyi székely...

Hős szabadságát elveszti Segesvár

Mádéfalvára fájón kell tekints

Földed dús kincsét népek élik s dúlják

Fiaidnak sokszor még kenyérre sincs.

Maroknyi székely...

Édes Szűzanyánk,könyörögve kérünk,

Mentsd meg e népet,vérző Nemzetet,

Jussunk e Honban,magyar-székely földön

Szabad hazában éljünk boldogan!


Maroknyi székely porlik mint a szikla,

Haláligában meggyötörten él,

Szemünk a korbács százszor eltalálja,

Ne hagyd elveszni Erdélyt Istenünk!

Who knows where destiny takes us

On a rough road on a dark night.

Lead your nation to victory once more,

Prince Csaba, on the stars' path.

Handful of Székely being crushed like the cliffs

On the storming sea of the battle of nations.

Our heads are, oh, a hundred times covered by the tide,

Don't let Transylvania be lost, Our God!

As long as we live, Hungarian people,

Our spirit shall never be defeated

We may be born anywhere, anywhere in the world

Our fate may be good or harsh.

Handful of Székely...

People of Csaba since one and a half millennia

Lived through many storms, its fate been harsh

Often torn by foreign enemies

Always lacking agreement, even at home.

Handful of Székely...

Our grievous past, misfortune of a millennia

Plundered by tartar, Turk, enslaved by labanc(Austrian/habsburg)

Our reward shall be, in Hungarian Székelyland

To live happily in a free homeland.

Handful of Székely...

Segesvár lost its heroic freedom

Mádéfalva can be watched only in pain

The treasures of our lands are plundered by invaders

While your sons can't even get bread.

Handful of Székely...

Oh Holy Virgin, we are begging you

Save our people, our bleeding nation

Our reward shall be, in Hungarian Székelyland

To live happily in a free homeland.


Handful of Székely being crushed like the cliffs

Living in death yoke, tormented each day

Our eyes are, a hundred times hit by whip

Don't let Transylvania be lost, Our God!

External links

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