TAT Nasnas
Tunisia is the first Arab country to develop this industry in 1997, in 2003 it was joined by the United Arab Emirates. UAVs are construction and design of Tunisia, they are produced by the company "Tunisia Aero Technologies (TAT).
Oct. 1997: Flight of the first Tunisian drone "TAT Aoussou", it served primarily target air (aeral target) to anti-aircraft units. It has been designed and built in eight months.
August 1998: First flight of the prototype "TAT Nasnas" (or anasnas). It has been designed and built in six months.
2004: First flight of the prototype "Jbelassa, it has a larger radius of action
Tunisia is the first Arab country to develop this industry in 1997, in 2003 it was joined by the United Arab Emirates. UAVs are construction and design of Tunisia, they are produced by the company "Tunisia Aero Technologies (TAT).
Oct. 1997: Flight of the first Tunisian drone "TAT Aoussou", it served primarily target air (aeral target) to anti-aircraft units. It has been designed and built in eight months.
August 1998: First flight of the prototype "TAT Nasnas" (or anasnas). It has been designed and built in six months.
- Length 2.8m
- Height 1.3m
- Wingspan 3.80m
- Diameter Not Available
- Weight 43 kg
- Launch conventional wheeled or catapult
- Recovery conventional wheeled or parachute
- Datalink: Not Available
- Guidance:telemetry command via autopilot and GPS (production version)
- System: Not Available
- Fuel: Not Available
TAT Super Nasnas
It has evolved subsequently to give birth to a new version of the Super Nasnas "stronger and more polished.Characteristic of Super Nasnas
- scale 6m90
- area of 3.80 m2 wing
- length 4m70
- height 1.30m
- weight, 158 kg unladen, maximum takeoff weight 270 kg
- payload of 55 kg
- cruising speed 170 km / h
- altitude of 5,200 m.
- 16h autonomy flight
TAT Jbelassa
Tunisia Give birth to a new model of UAV Jbelassa Is tne newist UAV2004: First flight of the prototype "Jbelassa, it has a larger radius of action