TMF Group
TMF Group is an independent provider of accounting, corporate secretarial and HR and payroll administrative services to businesses operating on an international scale.

With more than 100 offices in over 75 jurisdictions, the global company has established itself as a market leader in providing outsourced solutions.

TMF Group aims to help businesses to globalize, and meet all local compliance and reporting requirements while maintaining a full and transparent oversight of their operations.

The company's teams of qualified lawyers, accountants, HR experts and other professionals can establish and support fully compliant operating and holding entities anywhere in the world to help businesses meet the challenges of expanding beyond borders. It currently works with more than 50% of Fortune 500
Fortune 500
The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies collect. The list includes publicly and...

 and FTSE 250 companies.


The company was founded in The Netherlands in 1988, and has built a worldwide presence through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions. Between 2006 and 2009, TMF Group made 47 acquisitions including departments of Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young is one of the largest professional services networks in the world and one of the "Big Four" accountancy firms, along with Deloitte, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers ....

KPMG is one of the largest professional services networks in the world and one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, Ernst & Young and PwC. Its global headquarters is located in Amstelveen, Netherlands....

, Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton LLP encompasses the U.S. operations of Grant Thornton International, the largest accounting organizations outside of the Big Four . The member firms of Grant Thornton International comprise a global network of 27,000 employees and 2,207 partners in more than 110 countries...

 and Baker Tilly
Baker Tilly International
Baker Tilly International is the world’s 8th largest accountancy and business advisory network by combined fee income of its independent members, being US$3.07bn for fiscal year 2010...

 in countries like Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

, Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

, Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...

, China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...

 and Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...


In October 2008, British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 private equity firm
Private equity firm
A private equity firm is an investment manager that makes investments in the private equity of operating companies through a variety of loosely affiliated investment strategies including leveraged buyout, venture capital, and growth capital...

 Doughty Hanson & Co
Doughty Hanson & Co
Doughty Hanson & Co is a British private equity fund manager focused on leveraged buyout and recapitalization transactions primarily of upper middle-market companies in Europe...

 bought TMF Group for € 750 million. In January 2011, Doughty Hanson completed its €350 million acquisition of Equity Trust. This paved the way for TMF Group's merger with Equity Trust, which was completed at group level in June 2011. The merger created a global powerhouse with more than 100 offices in over 75 jurisdictions and combined revenues in excess of €400 million, with an EBITDA of €110 million.


TMF Group combines its global reach with local delivery from its on-the-ground staff to provide a wide range of services in establishing and maintaining fully compliant operating, holding and finance entities. These include:
  • Accounting and reporting services
  • International VAT and IPT services
  • Intellectual property licensing and collection services
  • Human resource and payroll administrative services
  • Domiciliary and management services
  • Corporate secretarial services
  • Escrow services
  • International incorporation services
  • Process agent services
  • Registrar and shareholder services
  • Structured finance services
  • Fund administration services
  • Real estate Investment services
  • Private client services


TMF Group caters for an international market. Its diverse international client base includes Fortune 500
Fortune 500
The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies collect. The list includes publicly and...

 and FTSE 250 companies, along with other listed multinational companies
Public company
This is not the same as a Government-owned corporation.A public company or publicly traded company is a limited liability company that offers its securities for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange, or through market makers operating in over the counter markets...

, insurance
In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment. An insurer is a company selling the...

 and real estate companies
Real estate
In general use, esp. North American, 'real estate' is taken to mean "Property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals, or water; immovable property of this nature; an interest vested in this; an item of real property; buildings or...

, financial institutions, pension funds, reputable private companies and private clients.

In recent years, companies around the world have found themselves facing increasingly complex regulation, a stronger focus on corporate governance procedures and the need to cut costs during the aftermath of the credit crisis. This has created a growing market for outsourcing services and significant opportunities for TMF Group.

The company currently services around 35,000 entities for its multinational clients with no single one accounting for more than 2% of group revenues.

TMF EU VAT Tracker

As a provider of international VAT compliance services, TMF Group has developed the EU VAT Tracker. The annual TMF EU VAT Tracker charts changes in standard VAT rates throughout the 27 European Union countries. Since the start of the financial crisis in 2007, it has highlighted the sharp rise in VAT rates across the region as countries have sought to reassure panicked financial markets of their intent to restore balanced budgets.
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