Tadhg Ó Caiside
Tadhg Ó Caiside, Gaelic
The Gaels or Goidels are speakers of one of the Goidelic Celtic languages: Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx. Goidelic speech originated in Ireland and subsequently spread to western and northern Scotland and the Isle of Man....

Irish people
The Irish people are an ethnic group who originate in Ireland, an island in northwestern Europe. Ireland has been populated for around 9,000 years , with the Irish people's earliest ancestors recorded having legends of being descended from groups such as the Nemedians, Fomorians, Fir Bolg, Tuatha...

A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...

 and Chief of the Name, died 1450.

Ó Caiside
Ó Caiside
Ó Caiside is the name of a Gaelic-Irish family. It is now usually anglicised as Cassidy.The surname Ó Caiside was found in all regions of medieval Ireland, it been the name of several unrelated families....

 was a member of a brehon
Brehon is the term in Gaelic-Irish culture for a judge. The Brehons were part of the system of "Brehon Law". The Brehons wore yellow robes when delivering verdicts. Several dozen families were recognised as hereditary brehon clans.-See also:* Mac an Bhaird...

 family based in what is now County Fermanagh
County Fermanagh
Fermanagh District Council is the only one of the 26 district councils in Northern Ireland that contains all of the county it is named after. The district council also contains a small section of County Tyrone in the Dromore and Kilskeery road areas....

. His great-great grandfather, Gilla na nAingel Ó Caiside
Gilla na nAingel Ó Caiside
Gilla na nAingel Ó Caiside, Gaelic-Irish physician, died 1335.Ó Caiside was one of the earliest recorded members of a brehon family who became hereditary physicians for the Kings of Fer Manach...

, died 1335, and may in turn have been a descendant of the 12th-century poet, Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside
Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside
Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside, fl. 1147, Gaelic Irish poet.Closely associated with Tighearnán Ua Ruairc, King of Bréifne, he was attached to the monastery of Daminis, and possibly to the church of Ard Brecáin, apparently been a cleric....

The Annals of Ulster
Annals of Ulster
The Annals of Ulster are annals of medieval Ireland. The entries span the years between AD 431 to AD 1540. The entries up to AD 1489 were compiled in the late 15th century by the scribe Ruaidhrí Ó Luinín, under his patron Cathal Óg Mac Maghnusa on the island of Belle Isle on Lough Erne in the...

record Tadhg's death, sub anno 1450:
  • Ua Caiside of Cuil, namely, Tadhg, son of Joseph, son of Tadhg Mor, son of Gilla-na-naingel Ua Caiside, died this year: to wit, the chief physician of the Fir-Manach, and so on.

External links

  • http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T100001C/index.html
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