Takemoto is a Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

ese surname.

People with the name Takemoto include:
  • Eiji Takemoto
    Eiji Takemoto
    is a Japanese voice actor. His name is sometimes mistranslated as and also sometimes credited as being Hidefumi Takemoto . Takemoto's nickname is Takepon...

     (born 1973), a Japanese voice actor
  • Iwao Takamoto
    Iwao Takamoto
    Iwao Takamoto was a Japanese-American animator, television producer, and film director. He was most famous as being a production and character designer for Hanna-Barbera Productions shows such as Scooby-Doo....

     (1925 - 2007), an American animator, television producer, and film director
  • Izumi Takemoto
    Izumi Takemoto
    is a Japanese manga artist. He attended Nihon University and majored in business. His first experience with science fiction was through the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the majority of his works reflect this SF influence. He is also a cat lover, and while cats frequently appear in his works,...

     (born 1959), a Japanese cartoonist
  • Masao Takemoto
    Masao Takemoto
    was a Japanese artistic gymnast who won two world titles and seven Olympic medals.His first of seven Olympic medals he achieved in the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki, where he won the silver medal at the vault with a score of 19.150, which was 0.050 short of gold medalist Viktor Chukarin...

     (1919 - 2007), a Japanese artistic gymnast who won two world titles and seven Olympic medals
  • Naokazu Takemoto
    Naokazu Takemoto
    is a Japanese politician serving in the House of Representatives in the Diet as a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. A native of Minamikawachi District, Osaka and graduate of the University of Kyoto he was elected for the first time in 1996.-External links:* in Japanese....

     (born 1940), a Japanese politician
  • Novala Takemoto
    Novala Takemoto
    is a Japanese author and fashion designer. His real name is . His pen name is translatable as "The Wild Rose."Known as the "Lolitas' Bard," he is a heterosexual man self-described as having the charisma of a young maiden. He has been one of the most active promoters of the Lolita lifestyle...

     (born 1968), a Japanese author and fashion designer
  • Yasuhiro Takemoto
    Yasuhiro Takemoto
    is a Japanese director of anime series and original video animations.-Staff in:* Air: Storyboard , Episode Director , Key Animation * Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: Director...

    (born 1972), a Japanese director of anime series
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