Tales of Princess Mimia
Tales of Princess Mimia, known in Japan as , is a manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...

 series by Yutaka Tanaka
Yutaka Tanaka
is a Japanese manga artist known for his risque slice-of-life stories. He currently draws My Lovely Ghost Kana and Tales of Princess Mimia.-Works:* Ai-Ren, 5 volumes* Virgin Night, 2 volumes* Princess Mimia, One-shot...

. It was originally an one-shot manga that was published by Kodansha in 2005.


Set in a distant future wherein Earth is no longer inhabited by men but human-like creatures with wings, Princess Mimia tells the story of a little girl who was born without wings and who can’t use magic like everyone else. Mimia, the last princess of the winged people’s kingdom, thinks of herself as a freak of nature. Her folk, however, believe that she’s a Child of the Gods because her appearance resembles that of the Gods who once created them. As a Child of the Gods, it is Mimia’s fate to travel to the Country of the Gods in the starry sky. But she is not sure if she really wants to embark on this uncertain journey that could determine her world’s destiny. Yutaka Tanaka dives into the magical world of Princess Mimia more fully as he details her travels and encounters.


  1. ISBN 978-4-06-314463-5, published in July, 2007
  2. ISBN 978-4-06-314491-8, published in March, 2008
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