Tania Modra
Tania Modra OAM
Order of Australia
The Order of Australia is an order of chivalry established on 14 February 1975 by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, "for the purpose of according recognition to Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or for meritorious service"...

 is a Paralympic cyclist from Australia. With Sarnya Parker, she won a pair of gold medals at the 2000 Sydney Games
2000 Summer Paralympics
The 2000 Paralympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia, from 18 October to 29 October. The eleventh Summer Paralympic Games, an estimated 3800 athletes took part in the Sydney programme. They commenced with the opening ceremony on 18 October 2000...

in the Women's 1 km Time Trial Tandem open event and the Women's Individual Pursuit Tandem open event.
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