Telephone numbers in Cameroon
Country Code: +237

International Call Prefix: 00

Trunk Prefix
Trunk prefix
A trunk prefix is the number to be dialed in a domestic telephone call, preceding any necessary area codes and subscriber numbers. When the number is called from overseas, the trunk prefix is omitted by the caller. In most countries, such as Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, the trunk...


Existing 7-digit Cameroon subscriber numbers were expanded to 8-digit format by prepending a digit according to the service and carrier in 2007. There was no known permissive period between the old and new formats.

Calling formats

To call in Cameroon, the following format is used:
  • xxxx xxxx - calls within Cameroon
  • +237 xxxx xxxx - calls from outside Cameroon

List of area codes in Cameroon

Old numbers New numbers Service/Carrier
+237 2xxxxxx +237 22xxxxxx fixed, CAMTEL
+237 3xxxxxx +237 33xxxxxx fixed, CAMTEL
+237 45xxxxx +237 745xxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 46xxxxx +237 746xxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 47xxxxx +237 747xxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 48xxxxx +237 748xxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 49xxxxx +237 749xxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 5xxxxxx +237 75xxxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 7xxxxxx +237 77xxxxxx mobile, MTN Cameroon
+237 8xxxxxx +237 88xxxxxx special services, all carriers
+237 40xxxxx +237 940xxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 41xxxxx +237 941xxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 42xxxxx +237 942xxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 43xxxxx +237 943xxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 44xxxxx +237 944xxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 6xxxxxx +237 96xxxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
+237 9xxxxxx +237 99xxxxxx mobile, Orange Cameroun
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