Temple of Jupiter Stator
The Temple of Jupiter Stator (Jupiter the stayer) can refer to two temples in ancient city of Rome:
  • Temple of Jupiter Stator (8th century BC)
    Temple of Jupiter Stator (8th century BC)
    The Temple of Jupiter Stator was a temple of ancient Rome, located in the area of the Roman Forum.-History:The temple was first founded by Romulus after a battle in the Forum area between Romulus and the Sabines. During that battle the Romans were forced to retreat up hill on the Via Sacra...

  • Temple of Jupiter Stator (2nd century BC)
    Temple of Jupiter Stator (2nd century BC)
    The Temple of Jupiter Stator was a temple of Ancient Rome named after the god Jupiter in his form of Jupiter Stator . Together with the temple of Juno Regina and the enclosing Porticus Metelli , it was built by Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus after his triumph in 146 BC...

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