Termites from Mars
Termites from Mars is the 44th animated cartoon
Animated cartoon
An animated cartoon is a short, hand-drawn film for the cinema, television or computer screen, featuring some kind of story or plot...

 short subject
Short subject
A short film is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. No consensus exists as to where that boundary is drawn: the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all...

 in the Woody Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker is an animated cartoon character, an anthropomorphic acorn woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz animation studio and distributed by Universal Pictures...

series. Released theatrically on December 8, 1952, the film was produced by Walter Lantz Productions and distributed by Universal International
Universal Studios
Universal Pictures , a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, is one of the six major movie studios....



An astronomer, searching the heavens with his telescope, suddenly sees a squadron of spaceships emerging from the planet Mars that are heading directly toward the Earth. He spreads the news, and in no time, the alarm is being sounded by wireless, telegraph, radio and TV, alerting the whole nation of threatened invasion. Woody's
Woody Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker is an animated cartoon character, an anthropomorphic acorn woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz animation studio and distributed by Universal Pictures...

 busy cleaning up his apartment in the trunk of a tree while watching his TV set. Suddenly, a Walter Winchell
Walter Winchell
Walter Winchell was an American newspaper and radio gossip commentator.-Professional career:Born Walter Weinschel in New York City, he left school in the sixth grade and started performing in a vaudeville troupe known as Gus Edwards' "Newsboys Sextet."His career in journalism was begun by posting...

-type announcer interrupts the program to announce to the ships at sea and all people everywhere that termites from Mars have invaded Earth.The announcer states that the ships are heading for the forests.

At the base of the tree in which Woody lives, a ship comes to rest, and out come termites. Woody closes all of the doors and windows. When he cautiously opens one window, the termites swam into his apartment and begin their work of destruction. Before you know it, the Martian invaders are eating up everything in sight. Every piece of furniture disappears; only the food remains, which the termites devour. Woody endeavors to fight them with a blowtorch, but the space gun is the superior weapon, and Woody's thwarted in every manner. Finally, in an office, where the termites have destroyed all but the glass top of the desk, Woody discovers a termite chewing on Scotch tape, in which the termite becomes all fouled up. Woody gets a bright idea, grabs the roll of tape and holds it up. In no time, the termites, as well as the spaceships, are stuck to the tape. He spreads the tape throughout the forest, thus turning the tables on the termites, saving the day and winning the battle.
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