Test of Understanding in College Economics
The Test of Understanding in College Economics or TUCE is a standardized test
Standardized test
A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a...

 of economics
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...

 nationally norm-referenced
Norm-referenced test
A norm-referenced test is a type of test, assessment, or evaluation which yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to the trait being measured. This estimate is derived from the analysis of test scores and possibly other relevant data...

 in the United States for use at the undergraduate level, primarily targeting introductory or principles-level coursework in economics. It is one of four grade-level specific standardized economics tests (i.e., Basic Economics Test
Basic Economics Test
The Basic Economics Test or BET is a standardized test of economics nationally norm-referenced in the United States for use in the upper-grade levels of elementary schools...

 (BET) , Test of Economic Knowledge
Test of Economic Knowledge
The Test of Economic Knowledge or TEK is a standardized test of economics nationally norm-referenced in the United States for use in middle schools and in lower-grade levels of high schools...

 (TEK) and Test of Economic Literacy
Test of Economic Literacy
The Test of Economic Literacy or TEL is a standardized test of economics nationally norm-referenced in the United States for use in upper-grade levels of high schools...

 (TEL)) sponsored and published by the National Council on Economic Education (NCEE) .

The TUCE is in its fourth edition (2007) and is available, along with an examiner’s manual, for instructors, school administrators and researchers through the NCEE. The latest revision process, a joint effort effort between the NCEE and the National Center for Research in Economic Education
National Center for Research in Economic Education
The National Center for Research in Economic Education is a non-profit center located at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.A. Its primary function is to assist researchers and other organizations with research, assessment and evaluation projects in economics education...

, included a national norming consisting of 70 institutions across the United States spanning the four largest categories of the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education
The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education is a framework for classifying, or grouping, colleges and universities in the United States. The primary purpose of the framework is for educational research and analysis, where it is often important to identify groups of roughly...

. The TUCE has two forms, one covering microeconomics
Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of how the individual modern household and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources. Typically, it applies to markets where goods or services are being bought and sold...

 and one covering macroeconomics
Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of the whole economy. This includes a national, regional, or global economy...

, each with thirty 4-option multiple-choice items. Each form includes three items covering international economics
International economics
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity of international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the institutions that affect them...


External links

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