The Awakening (short story)
"The Awakening" is a short story written by Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke
Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, CBE, FRAS was a British science fiction author, inventor, and futurist, famous for his short stories and novels, among them 2001: A Space Odyssey, and as a host and commentator in the British television series Mysterious World. For many years, Robert A. Heinlein,...

. There are two distinct versions of this short story.

The first was originally published in Zenith Sci-fi fanzine issue number 4 in February 1942. This version was reprinted in The Best of Arthur C. Clarke. It is this version which appears in the almost complete The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke. For identification, it begins, "The Master wondered..."

A revised version was published in the collection Reach For Tomorrow
Reach for Tomorrow
Reach for Tomorrow is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications.-Contents:...

in 1956, individually copyrighted to 1951. This version begins, "Marlan was bored.."
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