The Beat of Your Heart

Song information

The Beat of Your Heart is an up-tempo song by The Jet Set
The Jet Set
The Jet Set is a Polish R&B duo which consists of English-born David Junior Serame and Russian-born Sasha Strunin The band represented Poland in the semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki.-Albums:-Singles:*How Many People...

.The song is about a woman (Sasha Strunin) who is in love with a man, the man (David Serame).The woman pleads that she loves him and she says 'I wanna feel the beating of your heart' whilst he tells her that she's loving a fantasy world and she should let go of what they had.He says that he wishes to feel the same way but he can't.The video is set in a coastal area with volcanic rocks with a large villa
A villa was originally an ancient Roman upper-class country house. Since its origins in the Roman villa, the idea and function of a villa have evolved considerably. After the fall of the Roman Republic, villas became small farming compounds, which were increasingly fortified in Late Antiquity,...

. Sasha is wearing a golden strapless bikini
The bikini is typically a women's two-piece swimsuit. One part of the attire covers the breasts and the other part covers the crotch and part of or the entire buttocks, leaving an uncovered area between the two. Merriam–Webster describes the bikini as "a woman's scanty two-piece bathing suit" or "a...

where she is laughing and playing with her lover this is obviously in the past in relation to the song, David is on a balcony rapping about how he doesn't love her.

External links

  • Music video
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