The Best of Caterina Valente
The Best Of Caterina Valente is an album from Caterina Valente
Caterina Valente
Caterina Valente is a singer, dancer, and actress. She was born into an Italian artist family; her father Giuseppe was a well-known accordion player, her mother, Maria Valente, a musical clown...

. Released in Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...


This album includes her big hits Malagueña and The Breeze and I.

Track listing

Side A:

1. Ganz Paris träumt von der Liebe (I Love Paris) - sung in German (2:50)

2. The Breeze And I (Andalucia) - sung in English (3:29)

3. Tipitipitipso - sung in German (2:34)

4. Granada - sung in Spanish (3:10)

5. Yes, My Darling Daughter - sung in English (3:30)

6. Siboney - sung in English (2:55)

7. Das hab' ich gleich gewusst - sung in German (2:51)

Side B:

1. Malagueña - sung in Spanish (3:08)

2. Wenn es Nacht wird in Paris - sung in German (4:02)

3. Be Mine Tonight - sung in English (2:19)

4. Steig' in das Traumboot der liebe - sung in German (3:12)

5. All My Love - sung in English (2:29)

6. Wo meine Sonne scheint (Island In The Sun) - sung in German (3:10)

7. Une nuit à Rio Grande (Eine Nacht am Rio Grande) - sung in French (2:58)
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