The Blue Mouse and the Big Faced Cat
The Blue Mouse and the Big Faced Cat is a Chinese animated series
Chinese animation
Chinese animation or Manhua Anime, in narrow sense, refers to animations that are made in China. In broad sense, it may refers to animations that are made in any Chinese speaking countries such as People's Republic of China , Republic of China , Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.- History :The...

 from mainland China
Mainland China
Mainland China, the Chinese mainland or simply the mainland, is a geopolitical term that refers to the area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China . According to the Taipei-based Mainland Affairs Council, the term excludes the PRC Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and...

. The first part was produced in 1995 and the second in 2000.


Blue Mouse is clever, helpful, while Big-faced Cat is greedy, lazy, and charmingly naive. Along with two beetles, Jin Doudou and Lu Fanfang, this dynamic duo has many adventures.

External links

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