The Computer Edition of Scrabble
The Computer Edition of Scrabble is a computer game developed by Leisure Games for the MacIntosh
The Macintosh , or Mac, is a series of several lines of personal computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. The first Macintosh was introduced by Apple's then-chairman Steve Jobs on January 24, 1984; it was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a...

 in 1988, and was an official computerized version of the board game Scrabble
Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15-by-15 grid. The words are formed across and down in crossword fashion and must appear in a standard dictionary. Official reference works provide a list...



The Computer Edition of Scrabble reproduced the game board, tiles, and game pieces onscreen. A clock is included to promote rapid thinking to spell and place words within a user-defined time limit. The game also has lightning- and tournament-timing alternatives. The player's letter rack is visible at the bottom of the screen. The player types a word composed of letters from the rack, and if the word is acceptable by the game, the player moves the cursor to the game board to position the word onscreen and score the move. The player may also pass a turn, request a hint of one playable word, and see the tile values at any time through the use of a pull-down menu.


The MacIntosh version of the game was reviewed in 1988 in Dragon
Dragon (magazine)
Dragon is one of the two official magazines for source material for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game and associated products, the other being Dungeon. TSR, Inc. originally launched the monthly printed magazine in 1976 to succeed the company's earlier publication, The Strategic Review. The...

#131 by Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser in "The Role of Computers" column. The reviewers gave the game 3 out of 5 stars.

External links

  • The Computer Edition of Scrabble at MobyGames
    -Platforms not yet included:- Further reading :* Rusel DeMaria, Johnny L. Wilson, High Score!: The Illustrated History of Electronic Games, McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media; 2 edition , ISBN 0-07-223172-6...

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