The Constitution Society
The Constitution Society is an independent, non-aligned educational trust based near Westminster, England. It was established in 2009 to promote public understanding of the British Constitution and to work to encourage informed debate between legislators, academics and the public about proposals for constitutional change. ConSoc has provided evidence for Parliamentary Select Committees and published research subsequently used to support successful amendments tabled in the House of Lords. ConSoc does not take any position on the merits of specific reform proposals, and neither endorses nor opposes the introduction of a written constitution.


Though neutral about substantive constitutional issues, The Constitution Society strongly supports due process and good government and believes that constitutional change should only be introduced to address genuine deficiencies, and only after careful analysis and broad consultation.

Web site

The Constitution Society's website,, provides information on ConSoc's current projects and events. It aims to provide a useful source of information and home for debate on matters of constitutional significance in the UK.

Links to other Bodies

ConSoc provides administrative assistance to the Better Government Initiative
Better Government Initiative
Better Government Initiative was established in 2007 as a response to growing concern about the poor quality of formation and implementation of government policies...

 and to the All Party Parliamentary Group on the British Constitution.
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