The Dialog
The Dialog is the independent student newspaper of George Brown College
George Brown College
George Brown College is a public, fully accredited college of applied arts and technology with three full campuses in downtown Toronto, Ontario...

 (also previously referred to as George Brown, The Toronto City College) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1974, The Dialog serves students on three downtown campuses currently as a monthly and previously as a bi-weekly. The College's namesake, George Brown
George Brown (Canadian politician)
George Brown was a Scottish-born Canadian journalist, politician and one of the Fathers of Confederation...

, was a Canadian father of confederation and founder of The Globe newspaper (now Canada's National Newspaper, The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail is a nationally distributed Canadian newspaper, based in Toronto and printed in six cities across the country. With a weekly readership of approximately 1 million, it is Canada's largest-circulation national newspaper and second-largest daily newspaper after the Toronto Star...


The Dialog is printed in tabloid format by the Student Association at George Brown College and is a member of Canadian University Press
Canadian University Press
Canadian University Press is a non-profit co-operative and newswire service owned by almost 90 student newspapers at post-secondary schools in Canada. Founded in 1938, CUP is the oldest student newswire service in the world and the oldest national student organization in North America. Many...

. The previous newspapers at George Brown College include in order: The Globe (1967-71) and George Brown's Body (1971-73).

The Dialog pioneered the online newspaper movement in early 2006 with the popular website, The Dialog.

External links

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