The Die is Cast (DS9 episode)
"The Die is Cast" is an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe...

, the 21st episode of the third season. It concludes the story begun in the previous episode, "Improbable Cause". The episode maintains a fan rating of 4.7 out of 5 on the official Star Trek Website.

Quick Overview: Garak has to interrogate Odo to prove his loyalty to his former mentor as a Tal Shiar – Obsidian Order attack on the Founders is underway.


Dr. Bashir
Julian Bashir
Lieutenant Julian Subatoi Bashir, M.D., played by Alexander Siddig, is a main character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Bashir is the chief medical officer of space station Deep Space Nine and the USS Defiant.-Overview:...

 finds Chief O'Brien
Miles O'Brien (Star Trek)
Miles Edward O'Brien, played by Colm Meaney, is Chief of Operations in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Before DS9, he appeared as a recurring transporter chief in Star Trek: The Next Generation...

 to be a less conversational lunching companion than Garak
Elim Garak
Elim Garak is a fictional character from the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, in which he is portrayed by Andrew J. Robinson. In the series, Garak is an exiled spy from the Cardassian empire and a former member of a prestigious Cardassian intelligence group called the Obsidian Order...

, who is still missing with Odo as the two investigate the bombing of Garak's tailor shop. Julian misses his friend and O'Brien is confident they have not been destroyed because debris from their runabout hasn't been found.

O'Brien is called to Ops where tetryon emissions precede the decloaking
Cloaking device
Cloaking devices are advanced stealth technologies still in development that will cause objects, such as spaceships or individuals, to be partially or wholly invisible to parts of the electromagnetic spectrum...

 of the Cardassian
The Cardassians are an extraterrestrial species in the Star Trek science fiction franchise. First introduced in the 1991 Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Wounded", the species originating on the fictional Alpha Quadrant planet Cardassia Prime...

The Romulans are a fictional alien race in the Star Trek universe. First appearing in the original Star Trek series in the 1966 episode "Balance of Terror", they have since made appearances in all the main later Star Trek series: The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager...

 fleet. They ignore Deep Space Nine
Deep Space Nine (space station)
Deep Space Nine is a fictitious space station, and is the eponymous primary setting of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It serves as a base for the exploration of the Gamma Quadrant via the Bajoran wormhole, and is a hub of trade and travel for the sector's denizens...

's hails and proceed through the Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. The Cardassian Obsidian Order has formed an alliance with the Romulan Tal Shiar, and they are on their way to attack the Dominion
Dominion (Star Trek)
In the Star Trek universe, the Dominion is a ruthless and militaristic Gamma Quadrant state consisting of many different races. The Dominion wages war on the United Federation of Planets and its allies in the late 24th century, acting as an antagonist in the TV show Star Trek: Deep Space...


On the lead ship of the Cardassian-Romulan fleet, Enabran Tain and Garak reflect upon their times together in the Obsidian Order, the Cardassian secret police. Garak says that he intends to 'look up' a number of people once he returns to Cardassia Prime, including Gul Dukat
Dukat (Star Trek)
Gul Dukat is the main antagonist of the fictional television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is a member of the fictional Cardassian species, and leader in the Cardassian Union. At times he is an enemy, whilst at others an ally of the series' protagonist Benjamin Sisko. He was played by actor...

. Tain feels that Garak will be able to "eliminate" anyone after the current mission is completed. Romulan Colonel Lovok is introduced to Garak and is immediately suspicious of him. Lovok informs them that the fleet has recloaked and are setting course to the Founders' homeworld, an important center of Dominion operations, at Warp 6
Warp drive (Star Trek)
Warp drive is a faster-than-light propulsion system in the setting of many science fiction works, most notably Star Trek. A spacecraft equipped with a warp drive may travel at velocities greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude, while circumventing the relativistic problem of time...

. Any faster could make them detectable through their cloak by the Jem'Hadar
In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Jem'Hadar are the shock troops of the powerful Dominion located in the Gamma Quadrant. Genetically engineered for strength and resolve, they are also short-lived and believe that "victory is life." They are bred to perceive the Founders, enigmatic...

.. Tain tells Garak that his first assignment is to extract all information that is possible from Odo who is being held in quarters surrounded by a force field.

Back at DS9 the senior staff, including security chief Michael Eddington, are shown an intercepted video where Tain lays out his plans to destroy the Dominion. Neither the Romulan or Cardassian governments are eager to try to stop the attack on the Founders by these rogue forces. After all, if they should beat the odds and succeed in bringing the Dominion down, all the races of the Alpha Quadrant would be safer for it. Starfleet
In the fictional universe of Star Trek, Starfleet or the Federation Starfleet is the deep-space exploratory, peacekeeping and military service maintained by the United Federation of Planets . It is the principal means by which the Federation conducts its exploration, defense, diplomacy and research...

 is not planning to intervene either. Vice Admiral Toddman explicitly instructs Commander Sisko
Benjamin Sisko
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, played by Avery Brooks, is the main character of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.-Early life and career:...

 to keep the Defiant
USS Defiant
The USS Defiant is a fictional starship in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the feature film Star Trek: First Contact...

guarding Bajor. Directly after this meeting Sisko instructs the senior staff that as a 'volunteer mission' he is going to go to the Gamma Quadrant with the Defiant to rescue Odo.

Pressure is again put on Garak to extract information from Odo about the Founders and their planetary defenses. The Obsidian Order has developed a device that emits a quantum stasis field which should inhibit Odo's shapeshifting ability. Garak does not seem pleased with this news and Tain suggests the Tal Shiar should continue the interrogation. Garak is visibly upset and insists that Odo is his prisoner and that it is his duty to question Odo further.

Inexplicably the Defiant loses cloak. Security Chief Eddington admits that he has sabotaged the cloaking device under direct order by Admiral Toddman. Despite Sisko's noticeable frustration with Eddington's betrayal, Eddington requests to continue his duties in the current mission. Further, he gives his "word" that he will not again betray him. Sisko immediately observes that it is his policy to not question the "word" of a Starfleet officer, and he grants Eddington's request. Sisko gives Chief O'Brien a two hour deadline to fix the cloak, which he meets.

Garak begins questioning Odo and using the quantum stasis device. Odo is about ready to return to liquid state and is discomforted at being forced to maintain humanoid form. As time passes, Odo begins to lose cohesion and taunts Garak. It is clearly bothering Garak to see Odo in pain and he encourages Odo to confess anything - even to lie - as long as he gives up some information. Odo admits his deep-seated desire to return to the Great Link which is information Odo hadn't shared with Starfleet, allowing Garak to deactivate the device and end the interrogation.

As the Cardassian-Romulan fleet arrives at the Founders' homeworld, Tain quips "So much for the Dominion, open fire!". They are initially pleased with the damage they are doing to the planet but Garak quickly discerns that the Founders are using an automated transponder
In telecommunication, the term transponder has the following meanings:...

 to send back false life sensor readings from the planet. Suddenly 150 Jem'Hadar ships emerge from the Omarion Nebula and engage the fleet. "The Battle of the Omarion Nebula" annihilates the fleet and is later compared by Admiral Toddman to the Battle of Wolf 359
Battle of Wolf 359
The Battle of Wolf 359 is a fictional space battle in the Star Trek universe between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg Collective in the year 2367...

, the spectacular crushing of Starfleet by the Borg
Borg (Star Trek)
The Borg are a fictional pseudo-race of cybernetic organisms depicted in the Star Trek universe associated with Star Trek.Whereas cybernetics are used by other races in the science fiction world to repair bodily damage and birth defects, the Borg use enforced cybernetic enhancement as a means of...

 in which Sisko's wife was killed some four years earlier.

During the battle, contact is lost with engineering aboard Tain's warbird. Lovok goes to investigate, leaving Tain in command of the bridge. Garak, seeing the battle not going so well, makes his way off the bridge to locate and save Odo. They run into Lovok, weapon drawn, who reveals himself to be a changeling. Lovok confesses that the Founders viewed the Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order as threats and helped push this plan forward in order to destroy them. As far as the Founders are concerned only the Klingon Empire and United Federation of Planets
United Federation of Planets
The United Federation of Planets, also known as "The Federation" is a fictional interplanetary federal republic depicted in the Star Trek television series and motion pictures...

 remain as threats. Odo is again presented with the choice of joining the Great Link which he declines.

Garak makes his way back to the bridge in an attempt to save Tain, but he refuses to leave. Tain feels that he has become old and let his pride override his instinct. Odo has to knock Garak out to force him onto the runabout and escape. They are pursued by the Jem'Hadar and they lose shield
Shields (Star Trek)
In the Star Trek fictional universe, shields refer to a 23rd and 24th century technology that protects starships, space stations, and planets from damage by natural hazard or enemy attack...

s. When all seems lost Garak sincerely apologizes and Odo accepts the apology, saying that he understands Garak's desire to return home. The Defiant decloaks and is able to transport Odo and Garak onboard. Since the battle is underway the Defiant is able to slip away (mostly) unnoticed and make it back to the wormhole.

Sisko is forgiven for disobeying a direct order and Garak begins to clean up the mess in his shop. Even though Odo doesn't eat food he suggests that he and Garak dine together occasionally.

Arc significance

  • Odo reveals to Garak that despite everything his people have done, he still wishes to return home. Garak promises not to reveal this information to anyone else.
  • The Cardassian and Romulan fleet attacks the Founders' homeworld, which turns out to be deserted. 150 Jem'Hadar ships emerge from a nebula and annihilate the fleet, destroying the Obsidian Order and severely crippling the Tal Shiar.
  • Odo and Garak are rescued, but Enabran Tain stays behind and is presumably killed in the attack.
  • Colonel Lovok, a Changeling infiltrator, hints that the Dominion has a plan for both the Klingon Empire and the Federation.

External links

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