The Eternal Conflagration
The Eternal Conflagration is the fourth full length studio album
Studio album
A studio album is an album made up of tracks recorded in the controlled environment of a recording studio. A studio album contains newly written and recorded or previously unreleased or remixed material, distinguishing itself from a compilation or reissue album of previously recorded material, or...

 by the black metal
Black metal
Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. Common traits include fast tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, blast beat drumming, raw recording, and unconventional song structure....

 band Abominator
Abominator is an Australian black/death metal band formed in Melbourne, Australia 1994. Their lyrics commonly deal with war and spirituality. They have been compared to Angelcorpse and Morbid Angel.-History:...

. It was released on Displeased Records in 2006. It was re-released on Die Todesrune Records, on LP
LP album
The LP, or long-playing microgroove record, is a format for phonograph records, an analog sound storage medium. Introduced by Columbia Records in 1948, it was soon adopted as a new standard by the entire record industry...

 format in 2007.

Track listing

  1. Mutilate - 4:36
  2. Desecrator of Sanctuary - 5:53
  3. Diabolical Darkness - 5:13
  4. Sarcarium Tormentum - 5:18
  5. Blasphemous Embellishment - 4:22
  6. Tyrants on Your Warpath - 5:25
  7. The Eternal Conflagration - 5:28
  8. Hellfire Armada - 5:49

External links

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