The Eye of the Sibyl (collection)
The Eye of the Sibyl is a collection of science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 stories by Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick
Philip Kindred Dick was an American novelist, short story writer and essayist whose published work is almost entirely in the science fiction genre. Dick explored sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments and altered...

. It was first published by Citadel Twilight in 1992 and reprints Volume V of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick is a collection of science fiction stories by Philip K. Dick. It was first published by Underwood-Miller in 1987 as a five volume set. See Philip K...

, omitting the story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" is a novelette by Philip K. Dick first published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in April 1966. It features a classic meshing of reality, false memory and real memory...

". Many of the stories had originally appeared in the magazines Worlds of Tomorrow, Galaxy Science Fiction
Galaxy Science Fiction
Galaxy Science Fiction was an American digest-size science fiction magazine, published from 1950 to 1980. It was founded by an Italian company, World Editions, which was looking to break in to the American market. World Editions hired as editor H. L...

, Amazing Stories
Amazing Stories
Amazing Stories was an American science fiction magazine launched in April 1926 by Hugo Gernsback's Experimenter Publishing. It was the first magazine devoted solely to science fiction...

, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Famous Science Fiction, Niekas
Niekas is a science fiction fanzine published from 1962–1998 by Ed Meskys of New Hampshire. It won the 1967 Hugo Award for Best Fanzine, and was twice more nominated, losing in 1966 to ERB-dom and in 1989 to File 770.Originally, Meskys Niekas (from Lithuanian: nothing or nobody) is a science...

, Rolling Stone College Papers, Interzone
Interzone (magazine)
Interzone is an award-winning British fantasy and science fiction magazine. Published since 1982, Interzone is the eighth longest-running science fiction magazine in history and the longest-running British SF magazine...

, Playboy
Playboy is an American men's magazine that features photographs of nude women as well as journalism and fiction. It was founded in Chicago in 1953 by Hugh Hefner and his associates, and funded in part by a $1,000 loan from Hefner's mother. The magazine has grown into Playboy Enterprises, Inc., with...

, Omni
Omni (magazine)
OMNI was a science and science fiction magazine published in the US and the UK. It contained articles on science fact and short works of science fiction...

and The Yuba City High Times.


  • Introduction, by Thomas M. Disch
    Thomas M. Disch
    Thomas Michael Disch was an American science fiction author and poet. He won the Hugo Award for Best Related Book – previously called "Best Non-Fiction Book" – in 1999, and he had two other Hugo nominations and nine Nebula Award nominations to his credit, plus one win of the John W...

  • "The Little Black Box"
  • "The War with the Fnools
    The War with the Fnools
    "The War with the Fnools" is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in Galaxy magazine in 1969.The Fnools are invaders in the guise of two-foot-tall human beings. They take on the guise of Volkswagen mechanics, ethnic circus performers, and other similar business...

  • "Precious Artifact"
  • "Retreat Syndrome"
  • "A Terran Odyssey"
  • "Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday"
  • "Holy Quarrel"
  • "A Game of Unchance"
  • "Not By Its Cover
    Not by Its Cover
    "Not by Its Cover" is a sequel to Philip K. Dick's first published science fiction short story, "Beyond Lies the Wub." The story continues the latter's theme of immortality, although not focusing on a living Wub itself, but rather its fur...

  • "Return Match"
  • "Faith of Our Fathers
    Faith of our Fathers
    "Faith of Our Fathers" is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick, first published in the anthology Dangerous Visions . It was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novelette in 1968....

  • "The Story to End All Stories for Harlan Ellison’s Anthology Dangerous Visions"
  • "The Electric Ant
    The Electric Ant
    The Electric Ant is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. First published in Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine in October 1969....

  • "Cadbury, the Beaver Who Lacked"
  • "A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
    A Little Something For Us Tempunauts
    "A Little Something for Us Tempunauts" is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in the anthology Final Stage in 1975.-Plot summary:...

  • "The Pre-Persons"
  • "The Eye of the Sibyl
    The Eye of The Sibyl
    The Eye of The Sibyl is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. It was written sometime around 1975, but not published until 1987 when it was included in volume 5 of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, and has been reprinted since in of this book such as the U.S...

  • "The Day Mr. Computer Fell out of its Tree"
  • "The Exit Door Leads In
    The Exit Door Leads In
    The Exit Door Leads In is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. First published in 1979."The Exit Door Leads In" was written for Rolling Stone College Papers, a short-lived publication. It is unusual among Dick's stories in that it was written at the request of the editors...

  • "Chains of Air, Web of Aether"
  • "Strange Memories of Death"
  • "I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
    I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
    I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon is the title of a short story by Philip K. Dick....

  • "Rautavaara's Case
    Rautavaara's Case
    "Rautavaara's Case" is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in 1980 in Omni magazine and subsequently in the 1985 short story collection I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon...

  • "The Alien Mind"
  • Notes
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