The Garden Gang
The Garden Gang was a series of books for children written by Jayne Fisher. They were published by Ladybird Books
Ladybird Books
Ladybird Books is a London-based publishing company, trading as a stand-alone imprint within the Penguin Group of companies. The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market children's books.-History:...

 during the late 1970s and early 1980s as Series 413 and later re-issued as Series 793.

At the age of 9 years, Jayne was the youngest author to ever write for Ladybird Books. She wrote fourteen story books, each containing two short stories about a group of characters who were fruit
In broad terms, a fruit is a structure of a plant that contains its seeds.The term has different meanings dependent on context. In non-technical usage, such as food preparation, fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of certain plants that are sweet and edible in the raw state,...

 and vegetable
The noun vegetable usually means an edible plant or part of a plant other than a sweet fruit or seed. This typically means the leaf, stem, or root of a plant....

s living an almost human life.

In addition to the fourteen story books, there were also three other books - an annual and two colouring books.

Her books were not dissimilar to the popular Munch Bunch
Munch bunch
The Munch Bunch is the title of a series of children's books, written by British author Denis Bond and illustrated by Angela Mitson, a teenager who had created the characters. They were published between 1979 and 1984 by Studio Publications Ltd. in the UK and Rourke Publications, Inc. in the US...

 series, also devised by a young girl, the fourteen-year old Angela Mitson.


There are fourteen story books:
  • Penelope Strawberry and Roger Radish (1979)
  • Percival Pea and Polly Pomegranate (1979)
  • Oliver Onion and Tim Tomato (1979)
  • Wee Willie Watermelon and Betty Beetroot (1979)
  • Lucy Leek and Bertie Brussels Sprout (1979)
  • Gertrude Gooseberry and Belinda Blackcurrant (1979)
  • Colin Cucumber and Patrick Pear (1980)
  • Peter Potato and Alice Apple (1980)
  • Pam Parsnip and Lawrence Lemon (1980)
  • Grace Grape and Robert Raspberry (1980)
  • Sheila Shallot and Benny Broadbean (1980)
  • Avril Apricot and Simon Swede (1980)
  • Pedro Pepper and The Cherry Twins (1983)
  • Oscar Orange and Augustus Aubergine (1983)

A larger and relatively hard-to-find story book (or annual
Annual publication
An annual publication, more often called simply an annual, is a book or a magazine, comic book or comic strip published yearly. For example, a weekly or monthly publication may produce an Annual featuring similar materials to the regular publication....

  • Meet The Garden Gang (1981)

Two colouring books:
  • The Garden Gang Have Fun (1979)
  • The Garden Gang At Home (1979)

External links

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