The Geo-Politics of the City
The Geo-Politics of the City (ISBN 978-0-9554975-2-0) is a 2007 collection of essays exploring the City of London's financial markets and globalisation, edited by Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber is a British political scientist / political economist, and author based at London South Bank University. He is also a Senior Fellow at London Metropolitan University's Global Policy Institute. He has also worked in the European Research Forum...

 and with a foreword by Peter Jay
Peter Jay
Peter Jay is a British economist, broadcaster and diplomat.-Background:Peter Jay is the son of Douglas and Peggy Jay, both of whom were Labour Party politicians...


The book covers topics such as the geo-political economy of the City, the post-industrial world economy, the end of geography, London as a global city, terrorism
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. In the international community, however, terrorism has no universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition...

, supre-national bonds, foreign exchange, corporate responsibility, the growth of India and China, and challenges to the City.

Contributions from: Guler Aras, Alex Brassey, David Crowther, David Lascelles, Kathy Pain, Lauren Phillips, Andreas Prindl, Swati Raju, Sam Whimster, Richard Woodward.
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