The Ghost in Science
"The Ghost In Science" (Science no yurei) is Susumu Hirasawa
Susumu Hirasawa
is a Japanese electropop artist and composer.In 1972, he enrolled at . From 1972 to 1978, he performed in his first band Mandrake, a progressive rock group influenced by King Crimson and Yes. In 1979 he formed a New Wave synth-rock & techno-pop band called P-Model, along with two former members of...

's second album. It uses similar composition methods to the previous album, Water in Time and Space.

Track listing

  1. "Sekai Turbine"
  2. "Rocket"
  3. "Fish Song"
  4. "Cowboy and Indian"
  5. "Quit"
  6. "Amor Buffer"
  7. "Dreaming Machine"
  8. "Techno Girl"
  9. "FGG"
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