The Happy Prince (film)
The Happy Prince is an animated short film adaptation of the short story by Oscar Wilde
. The film was produced in 1974 by the Canadian-based Potterton Productions as a followup to its 1971 film The Selfish Giant
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s...
. The film was produced in 1974 by the Canadian-based Potterton Productions as a followup to its 1971 film The Selfish Giant
The Selfish Giant (film)
The Selfish Giant is an animated short film adaptation of the short story by Oscar Wilde. The story has symbolic religious themes and may be considered a work of allegory in Christian literature. The film was produced in 1971 by the Canadian-based Potterton Productions and by Pyramid Films. It...
A royal statue makes friends with a small swallow. The statue is moved by the suffering he sees around him and asks the swallow to peel off his gold covering leaf by leaf and give it to various poor and needy people.Artists
- Written for the Screen and Directed By Michael Mills
- Produced By Gerald Potterton, Michael Mills, and Murray Shostak
- Music Score by Ron Goodwin
- Master Animator: Jim Hiltz
- Animators: Robert Browning, Paul Driessen, Sebastian Grunstra, Julian Harris, Terence Harrison, Geoff Loynes, Gary Mooney, Paul Sabella, Paul Schibli, Don Stearn, Mike Stuart
- Background Design: Sue Butterworth, John Dawson, Diane Desrosiers, Timothy Elliott, Michel Guerin, Caroline Price
- Sound Editors: Peter Hearn, Gerard Senecal
- Voices: Christopher Plummer and Glynis Johns