The Haunting (Nixon novel)
The Haunting is a mystery novel for young adults by Joan Lowery Nixon
Joan Lowery Nixon
Joan Lowery Nixon was an American journalist and author, specializing in historical fiction and mysteries for children and young adults.-Biography:...

, first published in 1998.

Plot summary

As the story opens, Lia, 15, is at her great-grandmother Sarah's bedside. Delirious, the old woman begins to speak of Graymoss Plantation, the Louisiana
Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America. Its capital is Baton Rouge and largest city is New Orleans. Louisiana is the only state in the U.S. with political subdivisions termed parishes, which are local governments equivalent to counties...

 family estate left unoccupied for decades because of a "terrible, fearful evil." After the woman's death, Lia discovers that the house has been willed to her mother, who plans to move the family in and adopt a group of hard-to-place children. Lia is against this idea and vows to prove to her mother that the house is truly haunted. She learns that the ghostly occurrences are well documented and that several locals oppose the family taking up residence at Graymoss. Could one of these people be staging the hauntings? Lia has a change of heart, however, after she meets the children her parents want to care for and resolves to take on the ghosts herself. Aided by a collection of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe was an American author, poet, editor and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective...

's stories, she eventually succeeds in driving the spirits away. The ghosts are reminiscent of those in Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson was an American author. A popular writer in her time, her work has received increasing attention from literary critics in recent years...

's classic The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
For the Richard Matheson novel, see Hell House, made into a film titled The Legend of Hell House.The Haunting of Hill House is a 1959 novel by author Shirley Jackson. Finalist for the National Book Award and considered one of the best literary ghost stories published during the twentieth century,...

, whispering through the walls and sending books flying through the air. The novel ends somewhat abruptly, and a potentially interesting romantic relationship fizzles out completely, but this is still a page-turner that will satisfy mystery and ghost story fans.


Some of the characters in this book are:
  • Lia Starling (the main character)
  • Derek and Anne Starling (Lia's parents)
  • Augusta Langley Moore (Lia's grandmother)
  • Jolie (Lia's best friend)
  • Jonathan (Hannah Lord's grandson)
  • Charlotte Blevins (Lia's great-great-great-grandmother)
  • Placide Blevins (Charlotte's grandfather)
  • Morgan Slade (Placide's foreman)
  • Charles Boudreau (the caretaker of Graymoss Plantation)
  • Raymond Merle (a land developer)
  • Hannah Lord (the president of the Bogue City Historical Society and Jonathan's grandmother)
  • Homer Tavey (an antiques dealer)
  • Ava Phillips (woman living in an old cabin in Graymoss Plantation)

External links

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