The Homelessness Project
The Homelessness Project (THP), based in Seattle
Seattle, Washington
Seattle is the county seat of King County, Washington. With 608,660 residents as of the 2010 Census, Seattle is the largest city in the Northwestern United States. The Seattle metropolitan area of about 3.4 million inhabitants is the 15th largest metropolitan area in the country...

 helps homeless
Homelessness describes the condition of people without a regular dwelling. People who are homeless are unable or unwilling to acquire and maintain regular, safe, and adequate housing, or lack "fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence." The legal definition of "homeless" varies from country...

families secure and keep permanent, stable housing. The Homelessness Project (THP) started in 1989 with 2 transitional houses.

THP offers 44 units of subsidized housing to single parent homeless families in crisis. As of 2005, THP has served 306 families, including 618 children. 87% of client families leave the program to move into apartments or houses.

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