The Lambda Factor
"The Lambda Factor" is the nineteenth episode of the second series of Space: 1999
Space: 1999
Space: 1999 is a British science-fiction television series that ran for two seasons and originally aired from 1975 to 1977. In the opening episode, nuclear waste from Earth stored on the Moon's far side explodes in a catastrophic accident on 13 September 1999, knocking the Moon out of orbit and...

(and the forty-third episode overall of the programme). The screenplay was written by Terrance Dicks
Terrance Dicks
Terrance Dicks is an English writer, best known for his work in television and for writing a large number of popular children's books during the 1970s and 80s.- Early career :...

; the director was Charles Crichton
Charles Crichton
Charles Crichton was an English film director and film editor. He became best known for directing comedies produced at Ealing Studios...

. The final shooting script is dated 6 August 1976, with amendments dated 2 September, 15 September, 27 September, 28 September, 29 September and 5 October 1976. Live action filming took place Wednesday, 29 September 1976 through Friday, 15 October 1976.


It is 2308 days after leaving Earth orbit, and the Moon
The Moon is Earth's only known natural satellite,There are a number of near-Earth asteroids including 3753 Cruithne that are co-orbital with Earth: their orbits bring them close to Earth for periods of time but then alter in the long term . These are quasi-satellites and not true moons. For more...

 is drifting through an empty region of space the Alphans have dubbed the ‘Peace Zone’. Contrary to expectations, the past several days have not been uneventful; the community is plagued by sporadic disturbances and petty irritations. Doctor Helena Russell
Helena Russell
Helena Russell is a fictional character from the television series Space: 1999. She was played by Barbara Bain. She is American and apparently in her mid-thirties....

 is currently dealing with a matter of discipline. Medical technician Sally Martin has repeatedly failed to complete an inventory of the medical stores; as a result, she has been ordered to finish it during her off-duty time. Devastated after a broken engagement
An engagement or betrothal is a promise to marry, and also the period of time between proposal and marriage which may be lengthy or trivial. During this period, a couple is said to be betrothed, affianced, engaged to be married, or simply engaged...

, the girl sulkily carries out the assignment.

Alone in the storeroom, Sally is the focus of a series of disturbing events. A heavy jar slides off a high shelf, narrowly missing her. A cabinet door spontaneously slides shut, almost catching her fingers. Finally, the lights die and a sourceless wind invades the room, sending loose objects flying at her from the shelves. After the exit hatch closes and locks on its own, a panicked Sally takes refuge in an adjacent compartment. While she cowers in a corner, the hatch is torn in two by an unseen force. As the wind surges in, a tremendous pressure crushes the life out of her.

During this tragedy, John Koenig
John Koenig
John Koenig is a fictional character from the television series Space: 1999. He was played by Martin Landau. He is American, apparently in his early forties.-Character Biography:...

 is sleeping fitfully. The Commander is haunted by the nightmare of a woman accusing him of killing her. A call from Helena awakens him. Arriving as the stretcher team collects Sally′s body, Koenig joins the doctor and Tony Verdeschi
Tony Verdeschi
Tony Verdeschi is a fictional character who first appeared in the second series of the science fiction television series Space: 1999. He is in his early thirties....

 in Medical Stores to survey the chaotic scene. Haggard and ill-tempered, he snaps at Helena to conduct an immediate autopsy. In the event something hostile has broken in, Koenig orders the whole of Moonbase Alpha
Moonbase Alpha
Moonbase Alpha is a fictional moon base and the main setting in the science fiction television series Space: 1999.-Moonbase Alpha:Located in the Moon crater Plato and constructed out of quarried rock and ores, Moonbase Alpha is four kilometres in diameter and extends up to one kilometre in areas...

 searched. Not dismissing the possibility of foul play
Foul play
Foul play may refer to:*Foul play, a synonym for crime*Foul Play, an American film*Foul Play , a silent British film directed by Edwin J. Collins*Foul , an unfair or illegal sports act...

, he also asks for a dossier on the dead girl.

As the Moon approaches a gaseous formation filled with electrically-charged particles, the Command Centre staff frets over a number of minor equipment malfunctions. With the sensors among those instruments affected, Maya
Maya (Space: 1999)
Maya is a fictional character who appeared in the second series of the science fiction television program Space: 1999. Played by actress Catherine Schell , Maya was introduced in the second series opener 'The Metamorph'...

 can only hypothesise the spiralling mass is the source of the interference. Unusually irritable, Koenig is displeased over the lack of definitive information. He is further frustrated by the results of the autopsy: Sally's body is shattered internally, yet Helena can find no evidence of any blow or weapon being used.

Verdecshi's investigation into Sally's death is sidetracked by an altercation in the Recreation Centre. Carl Renton, usually unlucky at games of chance, has won seventeen times in a row. This unprecedented streak earns him an accusation of cheating from his volatile opponent, George Crato. When Verdeschi happens upon Crato roughing-up the mild-mannered Renton, the security chief subdues the thug and ejects him from the lounge. Getting back to the task at hand, he locates his two prime suspects: Mark Sanders, Sally's ex-fiancé and Carolyn Powell, Sally's former roommate—and Sanders′ current lover. Interrupting a romantic interlude, Verdeschi informs them of Sally's death.

Koenig interviews the lovers separately. It is revealed that Sally and Sanders′ break-up was quite acrimonious—especially when he began seeing Carolyn immediately afterward. Each denies killing Sally. Though both have alibi
Alibi is a 1929 American crime film directed by Roland West. The screenplay was written by West and C. Gardner Sullivan, who adapted the 1927 Broadway stage play, Nightstick, written by Elaine Sterne Carrington, J.C...

s, Carolyn has piqued Verdeschi′s suspicion—especially as the woman is experimenting with a device that can project waves of intense pressure. Later, the security chief visits Carolyn's laboratory; during a heated interrogation, he all but accuses her of murdering Sally. Furious, the engineer smashes her invention—to prevent it and she from being blamed for any future murders.
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