The Octoroon (film)
The Octoroon is an Australian film
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects...

 directed by George Young
George Young (filmmaker)
George Young was an Australian stage manager and film director who worked in the silent era. He went into film after a career working for J.C. Williamson Ltd.-Filmography:*The Golden West *Three Strings to Her Bow...

 based on a popular play
The Octoroon
The Octoroon is a play by Dion Boucicault, which opened in 1859 at The Winter Garden Theatre. Boucicault adapted the play from the novel The Quadroon by Thomas Mayne Reid . It concerns the residents of a Louisiana plantation called Terrebonne. The play was very popular in its day, and sparked...

 by Dion Boucicault
Dion Boucicault
Dionysius Lardner Boursiquot , commonly known as Dion Boucicault, was an Irish actor and playwright famed for his melodramas. By the later part of the 19th century, Boucicault had become known on both sides of the Atlantic as one of the most successful actor-playwright-managers then in the...

. Set in the deep south of 1850s USA, the plot concerns an octoroon given her freedom by her white father but who is bought as a slave.
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