The Pink Package Plot
The Pink Package Plot is the 54th cartoon produced in the Pink Panther series. 124 six-minute cartoons were produced between 1964 and 1980. This is the first Pink Panther cartoon directed by Art Davis, a Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Cartoons
Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. was the in-house division of Warner Bros. Pictures during the Golden Age of American animation. One of the most successful animation studios in American media history, Warner Bros. Cartoons was primarily responsible for the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies theatrical...

 animator and director.


A criminal shows the Pink Panther a paper that he will pay to the Pink Panther 10,000 kopeks to deliver a package to a Slobvanian Embassy. The panther refuses, but then the man holds him at gunpoint and shows him a paper where is written that the Pink Panther has to deliver this package before 12:00 or he would blast the feline. In the package ticks a clock. The Pink Panther tries to deliver it, but he cannot get past a dog. Then the Pink Panther tries to get rid of this package by throwing it in the dustbin, but unfortunately to him, the criminal is in the dustbin and gives the package back to the Pink Panther.

When the Pink Panther wants to call to the police from a police box
Police box
A police box is a British telephone kiosk or callbox located in a public place for the use of members of the police, or for members of the public to contact the police...

, there is the criminal again. The criminal also was in a fire hydrant. When the panther tries to deliver the package by flying with a rocket, the package falls into a canalization hole in street and then moves with the river down there. Then the criminal stands on the canalization hatch and clock is 12:00. Then the package explodes and the criminal flies to the Slobvanian Embassy and ends up chased by the dog.

Further sources

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.