The Power of the Invisible Sun
The Power of the Invisible Sun is a philantropic work on behalf of Bobby Sager
Bobby Sager
Bobby Sager is an American philanthropist and photographer, best known for founding the Sager Family Traveling Foundation and Roadshow, a charitable organization. Sager also was a partner and the president of Gordon Brothers Group from 1985 to 2000.- Early life :Sager was raised in Malden,...

. It consists on a photography book based on pictures of those areas of the world most striken by war such as Afghanistan, Rwanda, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Kenya or Zimbawe, depicting children living and dealing with conflict. Its aim is to inspirate activism through the intimate encounters with those children provided by the images.

As part of this project, comes the initiative of using the benefits coming from the sellings of the book to the "Hope is a game-changer project" providing the kids over the most difficult places around the world with indestructible soccer balls as a lasting symbol of hope.

Hope is the most important thing that people need to move forward. The slightest ray of hope can ignite the human spirit's ability to overcome: the power of the invisible sun - Bobby Sager.


Sting, friends with Bobby Sage, has been one of the most active partners supporting this project, attending to the Parties to add a value through his recognition among the media. In fact, the power of the invisible sun pays homage to his song "Invisible Sun". He has also written the foreword for the book.

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