The Red Wolf Conspiracy
The Red Wolf Conspiracy is the first book of The Chathrand Voyage
Chathrand Novels
The Chathrand Voyage is a fantasy book series written by Robert V.S. Redick. It is published by Gollancz Publishing in Great Britain and Canada, and Del Rey Publishing in the United States.- Premise :...

Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic is common...

 series written by American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 author Robert V.S. Redick. It was published by Gollancz Books
Victor Gollancz Ltd
Victor Gollancz Ltd was a major British book publishing house of the twentieth century. It was founded in 1927 by Victor Gollancz and specialised in the publication of high quality literature, nonfiction and popular fiction, including science fiction. Upon Gollancz's death in 1967, ownership...

 in Britain and Canada in February 2008, and by Del Rey Books
Del Rey Books
Del Rey Books is a branch of Ballantine Books, which is owned by Random House and, in turn since 1998, by Bertelsmann AG. It is a separate imprint established in 1977 under the editorship of author Lester del Rey and his wife Judy-Lynn del Rey. It specializes in science fiction and fantasy...

in the United States in 2009. The book has been translated into French, German, Polish and Spanish; Russian and Czech translations are forthcoming.

Plot summary

The novel begins with a special notice from the Etherhorde Mariner, announcing that the IMS Chathrand has mysteriously vanished at sea on a voyage to transport Thasha Isiq to a political wedding to bring peace to the two competing empires of northwest Alifros.

Pazel Pathkendel is a young tarboy who is stranded in Etherhorde by a mysterious Dr. Chadfallow. He manages to find work on the Chathrand, but his special power to understand any language attracts the attention of several stowaway Ixchel. The Ixchel warn Pazel that if he tells anyone of their presence, they will kill him, because sailors hate Ixchel and have developed ways of smoking them out of ships.

Thasha arrives on the Chathrand with her father and household. When Pazel has a fit due to the negative side effect of his power, he bumps into Thasha and she takes him to his cabin. There, Pazel meets Ramanchi, a wizard from another world, who grants Pazel three words of great power. However, when Pazel insults Thasha's father, who sacked Pazel's hometown, Pazel is expelled from the ship.

As the voyage progresses, it becomes clear something is not right. Chadfallow had previously warned Pazel not to sail on the Chathrand, only to sail on it himself, the captain writes letters to his dead father, the Ixchel notice that several rats onboard the ship have awakened and have declared a holy war against the captain, a man attacks Thasha's bodyguard only to be saved by the unassuming Mr. Kett, and Thasha feels that her father's mistress is not entirely trustworthy. There is also talk of someone trying to find the 'Red Wolf,' and the 'Nilstone.'

It is revealed the voyage is merely a coverup so that Mr. Kett, who is really a sorcerer, can bring the Shaggat back to power. As the ship comes to the haunted coast Mr. Kett leads an expedition out to the coast to find the Red Wolf where the Nilstone is hidden. Pazel, who has made his way back to the Chathrand, is part of the expedition, as well as Thasha. Mr. Kett manages to raise the Nilstone from the depths, and returns to the ship to bring it to the Shaggat. However, Pazel uses one of his words to turn the Shaggat to stone, preventing Mr. Kett's plans from coming into fruition. Captain Nilius Rose declares that after Thasha's wedding the Chathrand will head out to sea, never to return.

External links

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