The Seer (Charmed)
The Seers are two fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

s on the WB television series Charmed
Charmed is an American television series that originally aired from October 7, 1998, until May 21, 2006, on the now defunct The WB Television Network. The series was created in 1998 by writer Constance M...

. Each Seer is a powerful upper-level demoness capable of seeing the future.

The Seer (Season 4)

The Book of Shadows
Book of Shadows (Charmed)
The Book of Shadows, or simply "the Book", is a fictional book of witchcraft from the TV series Charmed. In the beginning, the book was created by Melinda Warren and was passed down the family to the Charmed Ones. This book contains spells, incantations, potions and information of the evil beings...

 describes The Seer as "An upper-level demon who has been around for thousands of years." Because she has the power to see the future, she is a top advisor to the Source of all Evil. The Seer has served multiple Sources, choosing to remain close to the ultimate power. She is a magical craftswoman and master at spells and tonics. As an upper-level demon, she can only be vanquished by a potion or a Power of Three spell.

Her power to see the future has gained her great respect in the Underworld. While she has served multiple Sources, her ultimate goal is to take power for herself. The Seer is also known to have worked with other demons, as well as exploiting others.

Her principal power is the ability to see the future. She can also possess someone else's body in order to tap into the person's powers and senses. She has the power to throw fireballs, but rarely uses it. Unlike most demons, she thinks killing is beneath her and only kills when she has to. She teleports by glistening, a variant form of shimmering that leaves a glowing contour of her body for a moment before it disappears.

She helps the last Source but opposed his plans to absorb The Hollow
Hollow (Charmed)
The Hollow is a fictional entity created by Brad Kern for the American television series, Charmed. It first appears in the fourth season of the supernatural drama and is used again in the last two episodes of the series in its eighth season...

, fearing that he would destroy all magical life on Earth, including a future she wanted for herself as the new Source. She persuades Cole Turner
Cole Turner
Cole Turner is a fictional character on the WB television series Charmed, portrayed by series regular Julian McMahon between seasons three and five. McMahon returned for a guest appearance in the show's seventh season, for its 150th episode. Charmed is a series which focuses on three good witches,...

 into taking the Hollow into himself in order to protect his fiancee, Phoebe Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell is a fictional character from the television series Charmed. One of the featured leads, Phoebe is introduced in the series as a witch and, more specifically, a Charmed One one of the most powerful witches of all time. The character was portrayed by Lori Rom in the unaired pilot,...

. After helping to destroy the Source, the Seer seals the Hollow back in its box with the aid of Phoebe.

What Cole and the Charmed Ones don't know is that the Seer secretly intended for Cole to become the next Source. She told Cole and the Charmed Ones that the Source's essence had gone "into the void". However, she was referring to the void in Cole's soul where Belthazor had once been, and believed that the Source would enter that void and completely take Cole over. After Cole is possessed by the Source, the Seer acts as his principal advisor. She initially opposed Cole's determination to make Phoebe his queen. The Source claimed that he needed Phoebe because without her love, Cole's soul would die and he would cease to exist. He also hoped to use Cole's love for Phoebe (which was virtually the only part of Cole left after the Source completely took him over) to turn her evil. However, the Seer thought Phoebe could sway Cole away from evil. She was especially concerned because she'd foreseen Phoebe giving birth to the most powerful magical child in history, and wanted to ensure that it would be the Source's heir.

Unknown to Cole, the Seer engineered an attempt on Phoebe's life. She tricked Kurzon, a longtime rival of the Source, into going after Phoebe with promises that he would be crowned as the next Source. The Source was presumed dead at the time, and it was understood killing even one Charmed One meant automatic succession to the throne. When Cole found out about this, he threatened to kill the Seer if she ever betrayed him again. On the day before her wedding, she unearthed a Lazarus Demon and ordered him to attack the Charmed Ones as a part of the Source's plan to sabotage the ceremony. She helps trick Phoebe into marrying the Source in a dark ceremony (Phoebe and her sisters thinking it was a private ceremony) and helped Cole slip Phoebe some chocolates enchanted with a tonic she brewed up. Both of these actions ensured that Phoebe would conceive a child that would be the Source's demonic spawn and contain nothing of her or Cole. Otherwise, the child would have been Cole and Phoebe's child and thus would have been born as a powerful good witch similar to his mother and aunts.

However, the Seer still opposed the idea of a Charmed One as Queen of the Underworld. She suggested that Cole/the Source hire a female upper-level demon, Julie, as his personal assistant. She hoped Julie would seduce Cole away from Phoebe, but this was futile. It was only on the eve of Cole/the Source's coronation as the Source that the Seer finally decided to support Phoebe as the new Queen. Cole was on the verge of giving up his powers to an evil wizard after Phoebe inadvertently found out that he was a demon again, but the Seer convinced Phoebe that Cole was in danger. Phoebe killed the wizard, stopping the transfer. The two are then duly crowned as the rulers of the underworld.

Soon after his coronation, Cole/the Source ordered the Seer to give Phoebe a tonic that would not only strengthen their unborn son, but destroy Phoebe's good side as well. When Phoebe found out about this, as well as the fact Cole/the Source killed an innocent her sisters were protecting, she renounced her crown and joined her sisters in vanquishing him.

Shortly afterward, the Seer planned to steal the baby and use its power to fulfill her own ambition of becoming the Source. She knew that as a result of her magic, the baby already had fierce demonic powers. Indeed, the baby was powerful enough to control Phoebe from the womb. Phoebe comes to the conclusion the baby was really The Source occupying a new body, its own child.

The Seer then takes the oath to become the new Source, and as her first act intends to sacrifice the Charmed Ones. However, it turned out that her magic had worked too well; she found it as hard to handle the baby's powers as Phoebe had. Phoebe notices this, and suggests that she and her sisters make the Seer tap into all of the baby's power. As the Seer tries to destroy them, the Charmed Ones chant a spell that reflects her blasts back at her. The Seer is forced to use more and more of the baby's power until it destroys her and every demon in the room. Shortly afterward, the Charmed Ones took the Grimoire (the evil version of the Book of Shadows) and hid it in the Andes so no new Sources could be crowned.

The Seer appears again in an alternate reality Cole created in his last attempt to get Phoebe back. In this reality, Cole rules the underworld from the manor, and the Seer acts as his principal advisor.

Powers and abilities

She eventually becomes the Source, and possesses all of the title's inherent powers. Before this, she possessed:
  • Clairvoyance
    The term clairvoyance is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception...

  • Premonitions
  • Teleportation
    Teleportation is the fictional or imagined process by which matter is instantaneously transferred from one place to another.Teleportation may also refer to:*Quantum teleportation, a method of transmitting quantum data...

  • Fireballs
  • Possession
    Demonic possession
    Demonic possession is held by many belief systems to be the control of an individual by a malevolent supernatural being. Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalities, convulsions, “fits” and fainting as if one were dying...

  • Summoning

She is also an expert "tonic" maker, a convincing leader, skilled manipulator, magical craftswoman and can cast spells. Renowned for her intelligence and extraordinary power, she is among the ranks of The Source, The Triad
Triad (Charmed)
The Triad is a fictional group of powerful demons on the television series Charmed. They ranked very high in the hierarchy of evil during the series...

, The Tall Man and Zankou.


  • Charmed and Dangerous (4x13)
  • The Three Faces of Phoebe (4x14)
  • Marry Go Round (4x15)
  • The Fifth Halliwheel (4x16)
  • We're Off to See the Wizard (4x19)
  • Long Live the Queen (4x20)
  • Womb Raider (4x21)
  • Centennial Charmed (5x12)

Kyra the Seer (Season 7)

She is played by Charisma Carpenter
Charisma Carpenter
Charisma Lee Carpenter is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Cordelia Chase in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off Angel, for which she was nominated for four Saturn Awards. In her most recent film she starred opposite Sylvester Stallone and Jason...

. This Seer is a different demoness from the one that makes an appearance in Season 4. Seers are generally known to be much revered because of their rare powers to see the future at will. This Seer is known as Kyra. Unlike Phoebe's
Phoebe Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell is a fictional character from the television series Charmed. One of the featured leads, Phoebe is introduced in the series as a witch and, more specifically, a Charmed One one of the most powerful witches of all time. The character was portrayed by Lori Rom in the unaired pilot,...

 premonition power, the Seer's power to see the future does not require her touching a person or thing, or for her to enter a trance like Phoebe does (though she does admit to Phoebe that she once had to touch people to see the future). In contrast to Phoebe's premonitions and empathy power, the Seer cannot feel the emotion or enjoy what she sees; she can only "see" what she is missing. This is why she eventually decides to try and become human. Her powers make her a target for many other demons especially when she wants to sell them out to the Charmed Ones. This Seer becomes good, betraying the underworld. She tells Phoebe it's a shame that all the demons in the underworld hate her because they are her family She makes a deal with the Charmed Ones to make her human for an exchange of information and also a look at the Avatars
Avatars (Charmed)
The Avatars are fictional characters in the WB television series Charmed.- Description :Avatars are an ancient group of magical beings who can bend the very fabric of time, space and reality. Their power is often described as the ability to manipulate time and space, through which they can reverse...

' "Utopia". She made Phoebe see the future orchestrated by the Avatars when she passed a vision onto Phoebe when they linked hands, (which she could watch repeatedly afterwards). When she lets go of Phoebe's hands, they both get a vision of the Seer being killed. She is killed by the powerful demon Zankou, just before she could become human for her betrayal and his fear of what she might tell the sisters. Her death affects the sisters a lot, but most of all Phoebe who had grown to care for her and it is what drives them more than anything to the Avatars.


  • Cheaper by the Coven (7x03)
  • Styx Feet Under (7x05)
  • Witchness Protection (7x10)

Charisma Carpenter's role on Charmed is very similar to that of Cordelia Chase
Cordelia Chase
Cordelia Chase is a fictional character created by Joss Whedon for the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer; she also appeared on Buffy's spin-off series Angel...

 on Angel
Angel (TV series)
Angel is an American television series, a spin-off of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The series was created by Buffys creator, Joss Whedon, in collaboration with David Greenwalt, and first aired on October 5, 1999...

 — in both she plays a character with the ability to see the future. Cordelia also eventually becomes part-demon and could levitate and astral project, giving her almost all of Phoebe's powers and one of Prue's.

Charisma Carpenter had already worked with Holly Marie Combs in the movie 'See Jane Date.'
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.